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Friday, November 17th, 2023

    Time Event
    Mērijai H. atkal taisnība
    "Why is "hate" always "spewed" and never (say) expressed, articulated, spoken, suggested, shared, proposed, or propounded?

    Suspect it's because if you could propound, argue, or articulate "hate" it would be a type of speech

    But if it's something other than speech, not spoken but "spewed," like sewage, one may legitimately suppress it while maintaining a formal commitment to freedom of speech."

    Naida jēdziens, šķiet, ir ļoti plašs un var apzīmēt ne tikai lamāšanos, bet arī vienkārši uzskatus, kuriem kāds nepiekrīt. Kā arī jautājuma uzdošana, bažu izteikšana vai kritika var tikt apzīmēti kā naids.

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