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Kādreiz cilvēki domāja (varbūt tā domā joprojām), ka rezultāti sportā izlīdzināsies, piemēram, 1991. gadā publicētā darbā ir rakstīts:
"...some people have drawn theoretical curves according to which female champions will soon catch up to their male counterparts - swimmers in 2056, bicyclists in 2011."
"Taking into account the evolution of the ten best athletic performances for each sex, Kenneth Dyer predicted in 1980 that equalozation for the 100 meter dash would take place in 2071. In 1984, he anticipated it for 2054. For the 200 meter run, according to his 1984 analysis, we must wait until 2066; for the 400 meter, 2020; for the 800 meter, 2021; for the 1500 meter, 2000; for the 3000 meter, 2003, and for marathon only until 1990 (a prediction that has dramatically failed to materialize)."
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