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Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

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    "In theory, by de-risking casual encounters for women, the contraceptive revolution levelled the sexual playing field. It opened up a possibility that women, too, could fuck ziplessly, without fear that we'd pay for it with nine months' gestation and the subsequent difficult question of what to do with an unwanted baby. Thus, logically, it also rendered obsolete that the 'sexual double standard' that condemns women more strongly than men for irresponsible sexual conduct. But just because we want something in theory, doesn't mean we always end up liking it in practice. As Perry shows, for women in particular casual sex is often not very enjoyable. Consistently, intimacy is best predictor of sexual satisfaction: in casual hook-ups, "only 10 percent of women orgasm, compared to 68 percent of women in long term relationships." I'll spare you the grisly details of my own experiments in 'plastic sexuality', except to say that this sounds about right."
    Britu olimpiskais čempions Toms Deilijs uzskata, ka trans sievietes ir sievietes un viņām ir pavisam noteikti jāļauj piedalīties sieviešu kategorijā un ir sašutis, ja šajā sakarā nākas pieredzēt netaisnību. Tai pat laikā viņš ar vīru pavisam nesen ir tikuši pie otrā bērna, pateicoties surogātmātēm. Ja reiz, viņaprāt, trans sievietes ir sievietes un sportā, kur bioloģiskajiem parametriem ir fundamentāla nozīme, viņām ir jāsacenšas sieviešu kategorijā, tad kāpēc viņš ar partneri par surogāti neizmantoja trans sievieti? Tas būtu ļoti palīdzējis gan šīm sievietēm, gan vispār - to raise awareness and fight bigotry. Skumji, ka tādu diskrimināciju pret trans personām veic pat tie cilvēki, kuri sevi pozicionē kā trans allies.

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