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Tuesday, February 14th, 2023

    Time Event

    "The church said it would launch a new commission on the matter in the spring. Any potential alterations, which would mark a departure from traditional teachings dating back millennia, would have to be approved by synod, the Church’s decision-making body."

    ok, pameklēju neitrālos vārdus


    Parent; neutral, formal.
    Per; neutral, short for parent.
    Par; neutral, short for parent.
    Dommy; queer, mixture of mommy and daddy (note: sounds like Dom/me, a BDSM term)
    Maddy; queer, mixture of mummy/mommy and daddy.
    Muddy; queer, mixture of mummy and daddy.
    Moddy; queer, mixture of mommy and daddy.
    Zaza; queer, based on mama and papa/dada.
    Zither; queer, based on mother and father. (Note, zither is also the name of a musical instrument.)
    Baba; neutral, based on mama and dada. (Note, baba means dad in some languages and grandmother in others.)
    Nini; queer, based on the N in NB, similar to mama and papa/dada.
    Bibi; queer, based on the B in NB, similar to mama and papa/dada.
    Cennend; neutral, Old English (Anglo-Saxon) meaning parent.
    Cenn; neutral, short for cennend.

    Balsoju par Zither (based on mother and father, bonusā also a musical instrument!)

    Our Father Zither, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name
    thy kingdom come...


    Child; neutral, formal.
    Offspring; neutral, formal.
    Sprog; neutral, informal.
    Oldest; neutral, refers to age instead of sex/gender.
    Youngest; neutral, refers to age instead of sex/gender.
    Kid; neutral, informal.

    In the name of the Zither, and of the Sprong, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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