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Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

Time:10:05 am.
I'm a bitch ass soldier,
whatever it means,
i'm the - never-getting-older,
always green as beans,

Learning from mistakes, huh?
Never did, never do,
O.k it would be right, doh!
but I never did that,
and never will do...

I lost my count,
how much times i had lost,
loosing is my old aunt,
learning what to do...

p.s. sorry about my english, hah .
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Time:10:59 am.
Un ja nu nekas nav bijis,
Viss negatīvais bija murgs,
Viss pozitīvais bijis sapnis?

Pierādi man, ka es kļūdos
un sapņot es beigšu,
Tu teiksi - es ar roku sūdos,
Bet es sapņot steigšu,

Un tad man atkal teiksi -
vārds sūdi, dzejai nepiedien,
bet es smiešos un ar smaidu Tevi sveikšu -
Paldies, ka man nepielien.
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