I am an Apple Fanboy |
[10. Jan 2012|09:37] |
So-called “iPad killer” in order that Android geek to whom Android sucks to begin with user experience sucks whatever gorgeous at the beginning Flash sucks soon profit, during Android is fragmented, I think Steve Jobs was a genius another point is that MacBook Air is just beautiful because best design.
IPhone rip-offs this is why Apple will only get better, overall profit in the end Jony Ive’s incredible design.
Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together why awful user experience, what gorgeous, first gorgeous for one thing profit especially delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich.
Battery life, next pleasure to use, after that iCloud, consequently iTunes makes it easy in the beginning battery drain, for this reason genius, in addition CrackBerry, not enough profit, hardly iCloud.
Android is fragmented, finally Android sucks, despite iTunes makes it easy, exactly because iPhone rip-offs, to delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich but while Steve Jobs was a genius, all in all battery life because of battery drain in spite of profit, eventually so-called “iPad killer”, besides MacBook Air is just beautiful naturally genius on the whole Jony Ive’s incredible design, personally gorgeous at the end awful user experience so that user experience sucks at first profit, in conclusion profit, prior to best design.
Android geek to sum up Apple will only get better and profit, I believe CrackBerry as pleasure to use after Flash sucks so that Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together whenever gorgeous above all gorgeous, so battery drain when genius but gorgeous, but also iPhone rip-offs then iTunes makes it easy, where gorgeous, once profit.
Battery life, therefore user experience sucks particularly Steve Jobs was a genius, on pleasure to use whose Jony Ive’s incredible design while best design suddenly Android geek, when profit immediately profit, I would say that so-called “iPad killer”, while delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich although Flash sucks in the main profit moreover awful user experience, on the one hand Android sucks, nevertheless Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together on the contrary gorgeous, which Apple will only get better, however Android is fragmented, until MacBook Air is just beautiful.
CrackBerry apparently iCloud not only awful user experience, when Steve Jobs was a genius, such a pleasure to use in contrast battery life due to gorgeous as soon as Android geek this includes Android is fragmented as a result best design furthermore profit as well as profit whereas MacBook Air is just beautiful afterwards Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, for example iPhone rip-offs since Apple will only get better so as to profit, that user experience sucks on the other hand gorgeous for instance so-called “iPad killer”, in my opinion gorgeous, before Android sucks.
Battery drain at last delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich who iCloud thus iTunes makes it easy, owing to Flash sucks, what is more genius generally Jony Ive’s incredible design, nevertheless CrackBerry.
Profit, when user experience sucks, I would say that CrackBerry, such a iTunes makes it easy, while delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich, so that genius, in the end battery drain because of best design, furthermore iPhone rip-offs thus Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together in contrast Flash sucks on MacBook Air is just beautiful, especially gorgeous, so as to battery life naturally awful user experience whose profit to sum up profit, consequently Android sucks, whenever profit for instance so-called “iPad killer”, but while Android geek, after that Apple will only get better, whatever Android is fragmented, when Jony Ive’s incredible design soon iCloud.
Pleasure to use on the other hand profit at the beginning Steve Jobs was a genius, this includes gorgeous, after gorgeous moreover best design I believe iPhone rip-offs, so Android is fragmented before profit, when iTunes makes it easy, until user experience sucks, while Android sucks, all in all Flash sucks, but also awful user experience what is more iCloud as a result gorgeous.
Apple will only get better, prior to MacBook Air is just beautiful, personally CrackBerry, owing to Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, finally battery drain, at last profit particularly Steve Jobs was a genius, where genius, then gorgeous not enough profit, what battery life because profit eventually gorgeous in addition pleasure to use not only Android geek as well as delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich, who so-called “iPad killer”, although Jony Ive’s incredible design, apparently Android geek on the contrary Steve Jobs was a genius, first gorgeous for one thing iCloud to whom Flash sucks, next profit, in the main profit.
Profit at the end so-called “iPad killer”, in conclusion iTunes makes it easy in order that user experience sucks, above all Jony Ive’s incredible design suddenly genius, afterwards profit as delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich this is why awful user experience that MacBook Air is just beautiful, so that battery life but battery drain another point is that gorgeous, for this reason pleasure to use however CrackBerry.
Apple will only get better, on the whole Android is fragmented, during gorgeous at first Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, immediately Android sucks for example best design, and iPhone rip-offs why Android sucks therefore delay in getting Ice Cream Sandwich, in the beginning Apple will only get better in spite of profit, overall profit, generally Android geek, hardly gorgeous, to begin with profit due to Android is fragmented, I think CrackBerry since battery life despite battery drain, besides profit.
Jony Ive’s incredible design whereas genius, in my opinion gorgeous, once iPhone rip-offs, exactly because Flash sucks which user experience sucks as soon as awful user experience, to iCloud on the one hand Steve Jobs was a genius who best design once Siri is better than TellMe and Google Voice put together, but also iTunes makes it easy owing to gorgeous when so-called “iPad killer”, because pleasure to use this is why MacBook Air is just beautiful, despite CrackBerry generally iPhone rip-offs besides best design I believe gorgeous in spite of Apple will only get better, another point is that gorgeous on the whole gorgeous.
(: Trollem Ipsum - Having trouble finding the right words? |