Oktobris 18., 2010
10:39 "Ja tev bērnībā nebija velosipēda, bet tagad ir Lexus, tad tev bērnībā tik un tā nebija velosipēda." /nezināms/
Maijs 24., 2009
23:42 "This isn’t the first time the world’s been upside down and it won’t be the last. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. And when it does happen, everyone loses everything and everyone is equal. And then they all start again at taw, with nothing at all. That is, nothing except the cunning of their brains and strength of their hands."
/Rhett Butler/
Decembris 17., 2008
01:24 - ^____________^ "There is going to be a Zerg invasion - all good stories start with a Zerg invasion."
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