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ar 1000 un vienu gramatikas kļūdu! 15. Okt 2004|03:00

I decide to wrote this work that to explore the history of my generation( nezinu, varbūt arī cits vārds, kā family, kin, hvz :D)
In this work I had used memories and notes of my kinsfolk (radi, paskaties varbūt savādāk)
I decide to explore inhabitation of my kinsfolk.
This work will let me to find out how many different people I have in my family and to kept in the future written information about them.
when I had looked at the old pictures In my childhood I understood that i don’t know many people from my kin I had no hunch about their existence.
There were picture with grandfather and her wife of my grandmother (1889) and picture with my grandmother and hers sister (1902).
There were many pictures and facts which was very exciting.
In nowadays we have no time to devote it for family and its traditions. But I think that we must to kept this traditions of our ancestry (senči) in the future and made them better, to kept their meaning. We must to give this information to the next generations.
The aim of this work is to codify and to explore (nez, varbūtinvestigate, apskaties pati kā ir izpētīt)
the tree of kin (apskaties kā ir dzimtas koks) and towns where were lived my kinsfolk.
There are two chapters: Chapter I is about the tree of kin and chapter II is about my grandmothers and hers sisters place of living before death.
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