Out There
Thursday, September 9th, 2010 05:34 pm
flayer day

ohhh,la,la, 1th half of this day was longer than usual(as i was dealing flyers in this HUUUGE exhibition hall).

truth to be told - 1th 2 hours i was coursing at myself:" why da'hell i ever agreed on this thing, thinking it won't be that bad and can turn out fun" (it didn't. but i was surprised how many bad words i actually know, and in several languages - wow wow viva). but than i realised that being pissed and coursing inside and laughing about myself outside won't help me to survive this day, so i changed my strategy - to trying to make at least other people day for 1-blondy smile richer: )
that was greater success and it came out good:
made friends(ok, i was made as a friend :D ) with this really nice, 75-year-old security man, who lived just around the corner that place and was joking that i probably have in my flayer box a hidden bomb! :D some other nice, old man whistled me some cheerful song and told me i have a lovely smile :) (can't help continuing being smiley after this nice compliment :)
and some other middle-age man,who was passing me by, stopped and paid a compliment to my eyes. hehe guess this day was nice,old man day :)

those 4 hours felt like eternity - seriously - soooooooo long.so you have a LOT of free time to think abut everything. and you know what i remember? what my friend once told me: "none job is bad". and really - it isn't. it just depends on your attitude towards it and it is up to you to try to make it better or worse.. i chose better :) and it turned out good :)

Current Mood: accomplished

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