Out There
Monday, February 28th, 2011 09:04 am

Current Music: Katty Perry - Not like in the movies

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Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 06:21 pm
Sightseeing with Japanese - round 2

aaand I am back form sightseeing with Japanese. this time I had 2 women and man :) they were really nice. so showing around and taking them shopping to Corso Como 10 and in Via Montenapaleopne was pretty interesting + todayy is such a sunny day,so spending it out was more than nice :) and I even got a japanese melon candies and a hello kitty stickers- how sweet is that? :)

day well spentttttt


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Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 04:16 pm
a hug

a hug. soemtimes this is all you need to turn your day upside down, even if it is a virtual one :)


so this goes out to all my fify people :) and everyone who feels liek they need a hug :)


Current Mood: cheerful

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Thursday, October 7th, 2010 02:18 pm
Gossip girls lunch on the steps

..indeed yesterday felt like gossip girl's main character - lunch on the highest step.

 but the city was different - my case New York was exchanged for Milan. and school/uni/library steps to Duomo steps :) blondy and brunette, 2 colleagues, having lunch in a sunny day:) having fun and gossiping - of course :)  :) heheh love moments like these :)

Current Mood: happy

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