Out There
Monday, May 21st, 2012 03:23 pm
a dude from Cayman Islands :)

Blue-footed Booby (Sula nebouxii)

hehe this little fella'  made me smile :) and his name in particular1 ( YES! I know it' s childish, but still funny! :D )


Current Mood: giggly
Current Music: Beatriz Luengo - Lengua ft. Shaggy, Toy Selectah

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Friday, May 11th, 2012 12:07 pm
how to play rock paper scissors...lizard, spock

Tags: ,
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Beatriz Luengo - Lengua ft. Shaggy, Toy Selectah

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Friday, March 18th, 2011 01:53 am
dienas labakie vardi/teiciens

Laba daudz nevajag.


Antons Trïcvaidziňš.(mans jaunais dz.biedrs).LOL

Current Mood: amused

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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011 12:54 pm
Aphrodite get's free croissant

heheh, I think Topic speaks for itself.. hehe but anyway, apparently today people(one old gentelman in particular) call me Aphrodite and give away free croisants - a.k.a - refusing the money! o.O

such a nice beginning of the day :)

day continued with learning to change printer cartridges with instructions by phone, I succeeded. heheh nothing dirty nor broken so far! maaaaan, I am on fire today! :D :D:D:D and yes, I amuse myself too!

Current Mood: giggly

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Tuesday, October 26th, 2010 03:29 pm
Google translator is fun

LOl google translator always makes me laugh! :)

like today: I wanted to know how you call in latvian Paper puncher

and it translated me to "Papira Kovbojs" (paper cowboy)

??? :D:D

just ROFL.

Current Mood: amused

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Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 07:14 pm
Making fun about colleagues

hehe, I think that the subject line tells everything! :D

today, at the lunch table, we laughed a lot, because I get to know, that one of our colleagues (Egyptian) has 2 ages: official and in documents. in documents he is 18 years old, but actually he is 25! :D when I asked, why is that, i received an answer, that it is because his parents didn't register when he was born, only when he was 7.. ehehehe so we started making jokes about possible reason WHY they couldnt register him..so we came to conclusion that he is actually an alien, so he just took off when he born and returned in 7 years. and that he is actually E.T. :D

well, jokes were continued for a while.. till the day was over! :D heheh

now i definitely know - THEY are between us! :D :D:D:D:D

Current Mood: amused

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Friday, July 30th, 2010 05:03 pm
You can watch this all day long

btw, i have done this too! :D

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Iggy Pop - The Pasenger

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Friday, July 16th, 2010 06:24 pm

today is a good day. got from city hall everything and even more than planned( money and supplies)  for our lil', extreme event on 31th. \\we even got 2 wooden sheets (1,5x2,6m ) for graffiti wall/corner. the funniest thing was that no men could help us  to get them from destination A to destination B...

..therefore we had no choice but to do that on our own!

so you can imagine how looked that 3 dressed up ladies in high heels ...

 lifting that big sheet and carrying it all around the city. (2 times.. as they were 2)... :D hehe real traffic stoppers - literally! :D
so this is how our events are made - on our own and with loads and loads of fun! :D

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Kassav' - syé Bwa

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Monday, June 28th, 2010 10:26 pm
city that newer sleeps

they say that New York is city that never sleeps, but what can you say about Riga? if I got to see my diploma already today, when I supposed to get it only tomorrow?.. mysterious..

but what can I say - I guess I am VIP or I am really good at breaking and entering :D hehh which reminds me about this Dane Cook video :D

inspiration to make B.E. :D


Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Dirty Stop Out - Stick Me Up

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