Out There
Sunday, September 19th, 2010 04:40 pm
Blondest moment of the week

Blondy is back in town!and of course she haven't change habits of having blond moments..

I left my new work place 36 minutes later than I should(TMI),but I didn't expect that the doors, of the building, will be locked already..and there was no one to open + it was Friday evening..so after few minutes of trying to figure how to get out, I came to conclusion to go back to workplace and ask that to somebody (even though i thought it will be really lame),but BUT than I was saved by 2 nice business men who were alsoabout to leave -s o they were so kind and showed me the way out! :D heheh

embarrassing - yes!
blond - definitely!
BUT at least i don't have to work together in the same office with them.. just in the same building.! :D hehe
blond start of new work-place! hope they didn't have hidden cameras somewhere! :D

Current Mood: amused

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Saturday, June 26th, 2010 08:59 pm

heheheh, šodien atkal dzirdēju šo lielisko vārdu - GORKA! :D
jap, biju kāzās! šoreiz krievu kāzās! :) atcerējos, savas pirmās kāzas,kur dzirdeju GORKA! heheh tā kā neesmu premium krievu valodā, tad arī ar šo vārdu biju uz jūs!..tad nu arī nesparatu, ko tas virietis sauc - kaut kādu GOrku! nodomāju,ka tas kaut kāds krieviņš un čalis vnk sameties!! :D:D:D heheh ne vella, kad visi sāka "meklēt to krieviņu", bet jaunais pāris bučojās, tad jau blondīnei aizgāja! :D hehehe nu blondi,nu?! be tagad točen zinu,kas tas ir!

bet labs vārds - raisa pozitīvas emocijas! :) nu tad visiem šodien - GORKA! GORKA! GOR-KAAAAAAAAA! :)) wiii

p.s. jap, i was sort of wedding crasher this time too! hehehe

p.s. I love wedding! :))

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Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Nado Reis - Mantra

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