Out There
Friday, July 22nd, 2011 02:53 am
work it,work iiiit

...and again it's 3AM.. time to bed after a productive night with Photoshop :)
i think tomorrow I will need a coffee to stay awake :O

Current Mood: productive

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Thursday, July 21st, 2011 02:22 pm
Discoverey of the day

If you pick a food by it's color you may be misslead by it's taste - Pink Macaron(Rose Macaron) tastes like soap. o.O

Recognition - read instructions :D

Tags: ,
Current Mood: amused

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Wednesday, July 20th, 2011 09:12 pm

MTV Storytellers made my evening!

Coldplay is on! :)) I just love them! :)) ahhhhh, they have me since 2000. :))

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Coldplay - Yellow

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Monday, July 18th, 2011 01:23 am
virtual life

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Saturday, July 16th, 2011 07:09 pm
kārtiba tīrība

tikko uzliku Kārtīb Tīrība, ko izpilda Essential Tema - uzreiz labāk sokas mājas tīrīšana! :)

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Essentil Team - kārtība tīrība

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Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 01:16 pm


Netherlands is NOT a language - they speak DUTCH.


Current Mood: amused

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Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 12:54 pm

Holland is a part (region) of The Netherlands and NOT 2 different countries!


AFRICA is not a country!

Current Mood: amused

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Monday, July 4th, 2011 06:34 pm
shower without curtains

in my new place there is no shower curtain...sooooo I made an IKEA plan, need to buy a bathroom curtains!! :O if not i will have to put in use my imagination and make something from bubble wrap :D
I guess it will make my clumsy moments so much more pleasant :D:D:D


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Thursday, June 30th, 2011 02:16 pm
50 Ways to Annoy/Scare People

/ this is NOT my masterpiece, but id did make me laugh! so planning to use some of the following list to a people who have been bad. like scaring me every single day or just for fun :D / 

 In no particular order... 

  1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. 
  2. Sit in your yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down. 
  3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
  4.  If you have a glass eye, tap on it with your pen while talking to  others 
  5. Sing along at the opera. (and sing the wrong words)
  6.  Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up." 
  7. Practice making fax and modem noises. 
  8. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy." 
  9. Holler random numbers while someone is counting. 
  10. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way." 
  11. Staple papers in the middle of the page. 
  12. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise. 
  13. Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register. 
  14. TYPE ONLY IN UPPERCASE.  type only in lowercase. (*ahem*) 
  15. Dont use any punctuation either 
  16. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets ( love this one!!!). 
  17. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now." (LOL. JUST LOL)
  18. As much as possible, skip rather than walk. 
  19. Ask people what gender they are. 
  20. While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. (I like this one too.)
  21.  Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme. 
  22. Ask your coworkers mysterious questions and then scribble the answers in a notebook. Mutter something about psychological profiles. (one my my favorites!) 
  23. Walk down the street making pig noises at people. 
  24. Tell people about a great book, and bring them a book with blank pages. Blame it on the "black market" version. 
  25. Suggest a game such as blind tag, in a sand box with barley wall, and a new concrete sidewalk near by... 
  26. Go to a concert and sing along, but sing the wrong words, or hmm classical...(unless it is classical). 
  27. Nodd and agree with people, then every 2 minutes turn your head back and forth, and blibk your eyes 10 times very quickly and then wask "What? Sorry, missed that..." 
  28. Say "Quitters never prosper hey will you cover for me for a while, I need a nap..."Repete the SAME quote again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again... 
  29. Say "You have to times 3 by 4"
  30.  Get the last peice of cake, them go inot another room, and tell people how goodi it is and they have to go get some in the other room.
  31.  By a person a piece of cole for christm,as as a joke that they have "been bad" but them never get thema realy gift. 
  32. Say this when you make a list,"I need bread and eggs and grapes and apples and pie and cake and ham and cheese. 
  33. Never use commas. 
  34. Spell every word wrong, then yell at people who correct you...(ahem) 
  35. Go to a movie theater, and let out a screech every five minutes. 
  36. When people ask, say it's a disorder, you you have a problem with those who need extra help... 
  37. Walk down the street with your arm up singing "Let's go fly a Kite". 
  38. When a person sits next to you on a bus them start pretend crying becasue they "squashed George". (NOOOOO, he is my yellow, useless assistant!! nooo)
  39. Go up to a man with a women and say, "Oh so you have another wife now, so me and Judy weren't enough." 
  40. Ask people if they have seen the new episodes of shows that have been long retired. But leave before they ask when and what channel they are on. 
  41. Buy a great set of Marbles but refuse for 2 years to tell your friend where the store is.
  42.  When you are about to take a test, say" wait so ok, Sam Atoms wrote the Declairation of Independance (oh I can't spell...), Im so glad she taught us how it is a guarded fact, and Thomas Jefferson ended up getting the publicity." Tne when they all get it wrong say,"Oh, sorry, that was a the dream" 
  43. Go up to someone and say," oh my God it's you!!! Long time no see! How's the wife..." (even if they don't have a wife...) 
  44. Turn your TV so the sound is off, and then when the other person complains, turn it up, but since it is muted you won't hear anyhting. When they stil complian turn it up al the way and say, "God you must be deaf, it's up all the way..." 
  45. Tell someone you have the latest info. The give them a peice of paper with made up stuff on it. At the end write "Sucker!!!"
  46.  Go into a neighborhood woods behind the houses and yell "TIMBER" really ludly. See if people duck.
  47.  If you are alone on a street and someone walks by scream and yell "Did you just see that??" If they ask don't answer, just repete it over and over. 
  48. Tell people there is actually 50 things on this list when actually there are only 48...


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Thursday, June 23rd, 2011 10:02 am

There is NO such a word as DANGEROSO in italian, Egit! :D

Current Mood: cheerful

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Monday, June 20th, 2011 02:07 pm
paper cuts

Hmm,question of day:should paper cuts be classified as my clumsiness or as a evil paper o.O :D

Current Mood: confused

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Thursday, June 9th, 2011 12:44 pm
insult that makes smiles

this is a great insult! it even makes smile both : insulter and insulted one ! :D http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/youare</p>


Current Mood: amused

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Thursday, June 9th, 2011 12:41 pm
something for you

this is a great insult! it even makes smile both : insulter and insulted one ! :D


Current Mood: amused

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Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 06:03 pm
what's up doc?:)

Aaaand Im out of emergency room with fixed feet:) such a nice doctor-offered to stay there even for 3days-they have nothing against having me around:D how sweet:) my awesome latvian holidays ended weird:o
Luckily today was holiday:)so I could explore hospitals in Milan:)

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Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 07:11 pm


I liiiiike :)

he makes me smile :)

p.s. today i have my pink glasses on :) mmmm :*

Current Mood: happy

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Thursday, May 26th, 2011 10:01 pm

Tonight im number bimboo:D in volleyball game:)

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Thursday, May 26th, 2011 12:12 am
tu chali mani neuzvelc!

Aaaa!ok tas chalis mani uzvelk un sovakar tochen gribejas vinam pa muguru..un borta ieksa!
Par manu dzivokla biedru ir stasts..(izklausisies neirotisks,bet nu neko tur nevaru padarit).
Nu ko var pipet muzigi vannas istaba? Pat ieiet nevar,kolidz iznac ara smirdi ka pelnutrauks..it seviski mati-brrr.izzave drebes-nakamaja diena vari mazgat atkal-smird ka kupinajums,un ne tas smarzigakais :o
Dzivoju ar sho cha/i jau 3meneshus,bet shovakar nereali uzkrita uz nerviem,ka vnk nadajela:@
Gribejas vnk pateikt-kamoon,respect,duuud,respect!bet shis nem un gul..neiesu jua modinat..ai,nekas,parunashu,kad nebushu dusmu puuce.pie reizes bus japasaka,ka mani reali uzvelk vakt aiz 33gadiga chalja,kas visu atstaj ka un kur pagadas.(chalis pirmo gadu. Nedzivo ar vecakiem un mammu,kura appuisho..nav viegli,nu nav).

Dusmu puuce over and out

Current Mood: annoyed

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Monday, May 23rd, 2011 03:41 pm

wuuu wuuuu the World is mine (at leat italian one) I just got my Identity card :) great succeeeessss! :)
just one tiny-tiny detail was bothering me - i had to use a 5 years old picture, but who cares anyway, I still look like young and fun just 21! :D :D:D:D:D

let's party tonigh! :))

Current Mood: happy

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Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 10:16 am
theme song of the day

day started as always: changed my mind and clothes 20 billion times and that was a reason why i had to rush to metro. so to set my mood i put on my music and tried to set a mood of the day..and what do you think I hear? a theme song from Transformers?! :O 1th of all - how this should set my mood? and 2nd - more important - WHY I EVEN HAVE THIS SONG BETWEEN MY MUSIC? :O if i never even seen this movie?! :O


ok, message received. let's save the World ... of smiles :) 8)

Current Mood: Have to save the World
Current Music: AC/DC - Anything Goes

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Friday, May 13th, 2011 12:53 pm

question of the day:

have you ever joined a restaurant owner to sing a line from an old, popular song, just because he likes singing and he is singing it to your table? :)

just wondering is this happening with other people too or just with me?


Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Fred Buscaglione - Eri piccola, così

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