Out There - stereotyps and ignorat people
Thursday, February 10th, 2011 07:36 pm
stereotyps and ignorat people

aaaaaa, I am soo angry! I hate ignorat people and especially the ones who also have stereotyps - this combination is even worse! grr

why Italians think that all Russian women is easy or sluts? what a hell? (ok I am not a Russian but Latvian, but for ignorant people i am in the same bowl).

where da' hell this stereotype comes from?does this mean that if you are Russian and a good looking, not even talking about being polite, you are promiscuous??? WHY?
what's wrong with the World??

i am not even close to be a model or Miss Universe, so i can only imagine how hard it is for really beautifl girls to live in a place with such a stereotypes where one smile means that you are going to sleep with whole block!?


p.s. this evening spoiled my fabulous mood I had during the day. damn you, f*cker!

will have to work on re-building it! :S

Current Mood: angry
Current Music: The Sound Of Music - My Favourite Things

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