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Out There - flat mates
flat mates ..i always have thought that being flatmates with a girls will be soo much fun - pj parties, talks, gossip, exchanging opinions, going shopping together, etc. like they show in the movies - friendly and fun.. no one said it can turn out as a nightmare - cleaning nightmare.. where everything has to be done in one particular way - their way: with their chosen brands for washing liguids, sponges and table clothes. fridge cleaning every month by the calendar writing donethe name and date who did that.table with cleaning liquids where you insert your name and date when you bought particular brand - their chosen one. and finally - last but not the least: list who bring out trash and when.. sounds like fun,huh? and not eve mentioning the claning Thursdays when you clean till 11., 11:30 (10:30 if you are lucky and start earlier) .. cleaning everything in a partucular - their way. washing everything. even windows and tops of the cupboards as well as closets. everything - because the house gets sooo dirty!!!!!! (not mentioning that we clean every day after ourselves and we are just 3, and we dont spend much time home - well at least me). i dont want to say i am a dirty, untidy, disorganized person, but i have some life apart cleaning too.. like i dont skip going to lectures just to stay home and clean!! (??? like who normal student does that, unless he/she is moving or can't find a way in the house.. or parents are coming over.. ) but this is not the case.. this is a queer situation and queer people.. this ar people who thinks that internet cable "sucks all the signal" and so no one else has the internet at the house. these are people who stuck paper in the rooter cable supposed places and puts over tape so i dont keep on "sucking the internet".. these are people who wakes up 6.50 and than walks around the house talking loud on the phone.. these are people who checks how you have washed the dishes and pans after the diner. these are people who gets angy about wrong cleaning liguid brands. these are people who says that using different, cheeper brand toilet washing liquid you can (and have already got) a vaginal problems!... i really tried to be a good flat mate, calm and easy-going, but i am done here. i am moving out on the 1.december. p.s. any goodsuggestions i should leave them as leaving present?????? can be mean ones too :) muhahhaa Current Mood: pissed off |
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