Out There - ;)
Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 01:23 am

did you ever have a feeling that everything will turn out just perfect?! :)i'm just optimist :) i know that i 'm leaving country in 6 days.. and i still don't have NO clue where i 'm going to live, BUT.. BUT ain't no stressin'! hehehe really! (maybe i will after 7 days when i will realise that i 'm THERE and i have no where to live for some few months! :D hehhe) but that i will worry, but for now... mmmmm i 'm enjoying my winter wonderlan (35cm of snow), playing with dog and making snowmen! :)) good plan, huh?! (when you are almost homeless? yeaaaahhh i also think that! ;)i know that will find something fify and everything will be just right ;)

uuuuu today was on the students art exhibition - Jarmarka - awesome works! i 'm impressed :)

 p.s. how thoughtful would be to wear some 10 kg of cloth in order to carry more weight along with luggage?! :)
hmmmmmmmmm this idea is:
A) smart
 B) fat
c) hot (like a rock star)
 D) manageable :)

 ( i may look like this...and get also in some demotivational poster) hehehhe

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Blur - parklife

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