Better jungler wins

[info]batou @ 06:44 pm: Futurama, The Beast With A Billion Backs
nav tik laba, kā pirmais DVD, bet joprojām klasi iztur.

Calculon: Wherever blackmailer lives he lives behind this hideous and strangely familiar door.
Servant: Calculon residence. Oh, hello mister Calculon.
Calculon: Son of a bit. This is my house... but that means Im blackmailing myself!

Zack Brannigan: Kif, unjamm that missile, will ya? And stop sigthin so often.
Kif: Uhhh.

Farnsworth: I dont understand, are you winking or blinking?
Leela: Ugh, hang on a second. Uzliek brilles ar 2 acu attēlu, uz vienas no briļļu lēcām acs aizveras.
Farnsworth: Got it!


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