Better jungler wins

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02:24 pm: It would appear that /v/ is populated by a large number of console fanbois who want to do nothing more than press X and dodge left. They either can't be bothered or they don't have the intellectual capacity to discover or invent new mechanics. I actually saw someone complaining that the graphics of ELEX are "horrendous", which is not at all true. But then I realized that those whiners would be the same people who would whine after installing 4K textures that the game runs so slow and must be poorly optimized.

By the way, savegame load times are extraordinary with ELEX. The game launches from desktop to main menu almost within seconds. I am playing on full ultra settings at 1080p vsynced to my 144 hz monitor and I get a consistent 144 fps. What is there to complain about? This game is a very welcome addition.
/end quote (vispār reizēm forčanā gadās tiešām sakarīgi posti, bet tas ir baigais retums - aptuveni 1% gadījumu)

vācieši ir sūdīgi rakstnieki bet ekselenti inženieri, what else is new? tas ELEX dzinējs (kas droši vien ir apdeitots vecais gothic3/risen dzinējs) ir kaut kas fenomenāls mūsu laikiem, jā pašas tekstūras un efekti nav svaigākie, bet draw distance! bet fps!

bagi ir daudz un jāpiekrīt tiem kuri sūdzas ka piranha bytes jau 15 gadus ražo vienu un to pašu gothic dažādos izpildījumos, bet man tas netraucē jo man patīk gothic geimplejs.

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