Tālab bij zvēriem Daugaviņas rakti?
Saturday, February 13th, 2016

Date:2016-02-13 16:09
Subject:sistēma, kas uz mirāžas uzrāvās

Satriecoši kruts pastāsts – par tukšajiem nesējiem, skaļiem vārdiem, sakruķītiem pētījumiem un neticami teicamu blefu; par (ne-paš)kritisku redzējumu prestižās augstskolās.

Iesaku lasīt apmēram šādā secībā:

1 )http://www.dn.se/debatt/i-resign-from-my-position-as-vice-chancellor-of-karolinska-institutet/
2) http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/02/top-nobel-prize-administrator-resigns-wake-macchiarini-scandal
3) http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/02/karolinska-institute-has-lost-confidence-paolo-macchiarini-says-it-wont-renew-his
4) http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/01/celebrity-surgeon-nbc-news-producer-scam (šis vispār ir ļoti paedogoģisks materiāls visu zemju sapņotājām un sapņotājiem, teicami izvērpts. Oh, Benita, Benita.).

In the recent discussion Karolinska Institutet has also been criticised for a culture of self-sufficiency, unhealthy elitism and prestige thinking. This may be true, I don’t know. What is, however, true is that we have high ambitions in our endeavour to use research and education to improve people’s health and at the same time contribute to medical breakthroughs and innovation in the field of life sciences which will benefit the whole of society in Sweden.

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