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Witch. snake. running

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[Nov. 8th, 2009|07:06 pm]
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Nākamsestdien Londonas džeza festivāla ietvaros Roberto Fonseca & Mayra Andrad.
Mayru var paklausīties te un te
Labi, ka biļetes var pirkt internetos un jau rīt atrast pastkastītē :)
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mīļā Nina šovakar dzied [Jul. 7th, 2009|06:55 pm]
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Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And Im feeling good
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como siento yo [Jul. 3rd, 2009|12:30 am]
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[music |Gipsy Kings - como siento yo]

Un vēl viena: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k42TLq8qScA
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vēl mazliet bērnības mūzikas, bet ne tikai bērnības [Jul. 2nd, 2009|10:13 pm]
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[music |Gipsy Kings - Escucha me]

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paldies, martcore, par nu jau samēra paseno ieteikumu [Jun. 30th, 2009|08:59 am]
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Gatavojos eksāmenam. Dungoju.

You want to have her
Two years have gone now
But I can't relate to the never ending games that you play
As desire passes through and you're open to the truth
I hope you understand
And your love is standing next to me
Is standing next to me

Wishful thinking. Diez, kā būtu bijis, ja būtu citādi.
Mums tomēr ir fantastiska vēlme visu sarežģīt. Viegli aizvainoties, aizgriezties. Necirst durvis, bet arī tas.
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[Jun. 27th, 2009|01:15 pm]
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[music |Ngani Troma - Ani Choying & Steve Tibbetts]

Pēc Māstrihtas laikiem pirmo reizi atradu sort of meditatīvo sakompilējumu. Un atcerējos par Ani Choying.
Šeit un šeit var arī dabūt sev pašam (Kyamdro Semkye un Ngani Troma).

p.s. Un, pat ja tur vairs nekā nav, vienalga gribas turp.
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Another devil dies [Jun. 19th, 2009|10:03 pm]
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sākums )Should I go or will you stay
We'll find a plan of attack
There's a price to pay
For showing no reaction
To all the simple things
In time you will know what I know
But for now you win

The hatred will tear us apart
Another devil will take out your heart

... tālāk ... )
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Ólafur Arnalds [May. 24th, 2009|12:02 am]
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Šis ir īstens mūzikas vakars. Paldies tam cibiņam, kurš uzrakstīja par Ólafur Arnalds. Klausīties var arī šeit.
Tieši šādu skaņu man pietrūcis pēdējā laikā: Raein un Ljósið

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lēni mainīgais iekšējais stāvoklis [May. 23rd, 2009|02:02 pm]
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Coles Corner
Melodijas, ne teksta dēļ (bet arī). Mēģināšu klausīties visu albumu.
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[May. 23rd, 2009|12:05 pm]
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Diena, kuras skaņu celiņā dominēs Nouvelle Vague. Sākot jau ar kaveru Joy Division - Love will tear us apart again.
upd: ar turpinājumu Leduslāčos
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[May. 22nd, 2009|08:50 pm]

No bērnības mūzikas : Pavarotti un Zucchero
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pamošanās siltumā [May. 22nd, 2009|08:52 am]

Dearest naughty you
Lazy you
Dearest silent you
Brooding you.

Oh take me in your arms and kiss me
Oh make me your wife once more

(Brigitte Fontaine - La chanson de Simone)
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[May. 18th, 2009|08:39 am]
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Labrît! Péc ilgàka laika saulains rîts :)

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