Witch. snake. running - December 6th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Witch. snake. running

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December 6th, 2013

[Dec. 6th, 2013|11:32 am]
varbut es vnk lenam saslimstu
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biletes ir! [Dec. 6th, 2013|01:37 pm]
Marta Londona bus Rodrigess ar savu Sugarman.
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zinashanai, bet parbaudishanai [Dec. 6th, 2013|03:33 pm]
"Values are among the first things children learn - not consciously, but implicitly.
Development psychologists believe that by the age of 10, most children have their basic value system firmly in
place, and after that age, changes are difficult to make.
Because they were acquired so early in our lives, many values remain unconscious to those who hold them.
Therefore they cannot be discussed, nor can they be directly observed by outsiders. They can only be inferred
from the way people act under various circumstances"

Ta raksta izvilkuma par Hofstedi.
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