Witch. snake. running - January 21st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Witch. snake. running

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January 21st, 2009

telefona, telefona, pozvoni [Jan. 21st, 2009|08:34 am]

Sîkums, bet smîdina pastàvîgi: lai cik jauns/vecs arî bùtu telefons, ar vai bez vàcina, atvelkams/atvàzhams, tik un tà rokàs izslédzas.
Vakar vakarà tipisks gadîjums - njemu rokàs, lai uzliktu modinàtàju, un - shis njem uz izdziest. Ekràns melns, pogas pamîshus mirgo/nemirgo. Lai jau, negrib, tad negrib. Pàris minùtes vélàk atkal panému - né, stràdà, viss kàrtîbà, it kà nekàdu pigoru nemaz nebùtu bijis.

Jums arî tà gadàs?
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city of blinding nights [Jan. 21st, 2009|08:44 am]
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The more you see the less you know
The less you find out as you go
I knew much more then than I do now

Neon heart dayglo eyes
A city lit by fireflies
They’re advertising in the skies
For people like us

... tālāk ... )Don’t look before you laugh
Look ugly in a photograph
Flash bulbs purple irises
The camera can’t see

I’ve seen you walk unafraid
I’ve seen you in the clothes you made
Can you see the beauty inside of me?
What happened to the beauty I had inside of me?

... tālāk ... )
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[Jan. 21st, 2009|02:05 pm]
My choices are funny for they are not choices at all.
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[Jan. 21st, 2009|11:41 pm]
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Par rupjību kasēm runājot, princips vecs, bet lielisks. Varētu ieviest līdzīgu dusmām - katru reizi, kad sadusmojas, 20 centus krājkasē. Varbūt līdzētu.
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