[Dec. 14th, 2007|12:03 am] |
Pārsteidzoši, cik daudz ierakstu parādās dienās, kad daudz pabeidzamo darbu. Vakardienas krīze un šorīta skaidrība ir panākusi savu- stresa līmenis ir atkal normā. Un, jā, pifigisma līmenis pieaug ar katru gadu. Taču, tas diez vai ir īstens pofigisms, jo uztraucos par tā klātesamību. |
[Dec. 14th, 2007|12:16 am] |
Meklējot nepieciešamos papildvariantu rītdienai: uzgāju http://www.spiritualityhealth.com/newsh/items/selftest/item_8329.html What archetypes are calling you?
G. 8 Hero. You want to face and overcome a real challenge. You are drawn to test what you are made of. This is not a time to dilly-dally. It is a time to stand up and be counted. Pick a cause and fight for it. Or, find a competitive sport or other activity, and do your best to win. I. 7 Magician. You have a strong desire to heal or transform people or situations. Now is the time to develop your power. Explore the art of changing your own consciousness in order to influence others. Be the future you want to see. K. 7 Creator. You have a strong need now to express your creativity and imaginative potential. Find an art form and practice getting good at it. You may not be Picasso, but you do have a vision. Now is the time to encapsulate it in tangible form. |