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Oktobris 27., 2009

The pencil felt thick and awkward in his fingers. He began to write down the thoughts that came into his head. He wrote first in large clumsy capitals: FREEDOM IS SLAVERY
Then almost without a pause he wrote beneath it: TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE
But then there came a sort of check. His mind, as though shying away from something, seemed unable to concentrate. He knew that he knew what came next, but for the moment he could not recall it. When he did recall it, it was only by consciously reasoning out what it must be: it did not come of its own accord. He wrote: GOD IS POWER

Tētis man vakaros pirms gulētiešanas mēdza lasīt priekšā grāmatas kad biju mazs. Dzīvnieku ferma ilgi rādījās pēc tam sapņos.

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