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Aprīlis 3., 2008

[info]badlaks20:43 - screw it
"Look at us dude," I say. I find the last bottle of beer and it's warm. I say, "All women have to do is get naked, and we give them all our money. I mean, why are we such slaves?"
Denny flips over the page on his pad and starts something new.
I move his rock to the floor and sit down.
I'm just tired, I tell him. It seems women are always bossing me around. First my mom, and now Dr. Marshall. In between, there's Nico and leeza and Tanya to keep happy. Gwen, who wouldn't even let me rape her. They're all just in it for themselves. They all think men are obsolete. useless. As if we're just some sexual appendix.
Just the life support system for an erection. Or a wallet.
From now on, I say, I'm not giving any more ground.
I'm going on strike.
From now on, women can open their own doors.
They can pick up the check for their own dinners.
I'm not moving anybody's big heavy sofas, not anymore.
No more opening stuck jar lids, either.
And never again am I ever going to put down another toilet seat.
Hell, from now on I'm peeing on every seat.

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