4. Feb 2010 @ 22:00 (bez virsraksta)
Garastāvoklis:: slims, iesnains, škaudošs

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es reiz atradu šo tekstiņu kaut kur netā un nolēmu pamēģināt. kombinējot šo paņēmienu ar C vitamīnu, man ir izdevies no iesnām izvairīties jau ļoti ilgu laiku.

"The basic reason a common cold doesn't go away in a few hours is that you are reinfecting yourself through the respiratory tract. The germs in your throat are multiplying at great speed.

Repeatedly drinking half-pints of hot water (as hot as possible) continually kills the bacteria responsible for the continued presence of cold symptoms. This does NOT mean to do it as you always have, where you take five or six, maybe even eight sips of hot liquid, and then drink the rest of it warm. That has limited benefit - limited, of course, to the benefits produced by a few sips of hot tea, versus the benefits of sipping a cup of tea.

Instead, use this excellent shortcut, wherein the shortcut is successful no less than ninety percent of the time, works hugely and instantly, provided you include the foundation of you drinking more hot tea.

You don't even need to increase the number of cups of tea!! It DOES mean sipping more of the cups of tea that you DO have. It means some two hundred or more hot sips or mouthfuls of piping hot liquid within those first 24 hours.

If the water is warm or tepid, it's not doing its primary job of killing the bacteria. Must be hot, must be repeated, again and again and again. In between cups or bowls of hot liquid, cool fresh water maintains the flushing function. Pints of clean fresh water help accomplish the primary task, flushing out the body."
[info]her_crow replied to
5. Februāris 2010, 00:36
( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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