26. Feb 2008 @ 22:02 (bez virsraksta)

Sagribējās kaut ko skaistu, kas pieskaras bezgalīgākām vērtībām ;)

Lightness of Being

The bright sun dissects the airglow above Earth's horizon in this view photographed with a digital still camera from the Space Shuttle Columbia during the STS-107 mission.

Space Shuttle Columbia and the STS-107 crew perished during re-entry on Feb. 1, 2003.

Image Credit: NASA

About this Entry
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Date: 26. Februāris 2008 - 22:14
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Kaa kadrs no Star Warsiem
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Date: 27. Februāris 2008 - 12:47
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nekas nav salīzdināms ar Bezgalīgu iemiesojošajām skaistuma vērtībām :)