words we used to know
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Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

    Time Event
    beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
    es nezinu, kāpēc tik ļoti sarežģīti uztveru visas attiecību lietas, kāpēc sev mūžīgi kaut ko aizliedzu, kaut ko izdomāju, kaut ko pārprotu, kaut ko.. kaut ko sarežģīju. let's just live, mm, un tad jau redzēs, kā būs. neskrien notikumiem pa priekšu.

    It took half the time
    I am still afraid
    So stay by my side
    And hold on to my hand
    Try to teach me that
    I'm alright, I guess
    But there's so much wrong
    But there's so much right
    I guess we'll agree
    To differ on one thing

    Current Music: snow patrol - make love to me forever

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