Sailing the Cosmic Winds
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Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
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11:34p |
"architect" Brick by brick you lay a monstrous egg and then run and hide when the chicken comes for your hide.
Cell by cell, I suggest so, decompose your corpse, so only de light is born, and comes for more. | 11:41p |
Saint Augustine wrote, “Like a bridegroom, Christ went forth from his chamber… He came to the marriage-bed of the cross, and there in mounting it, he consummated his marriage. And when he perceived the sighs of the creature, he lovingly gave himself up to the torment in place of his bride, and joined himself to [her] forever.”
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I have accepted my leave from this wordliness. So much not lost and so much not gained - still illusions do rounds on tempting my grounds.
Oh, Here it comes now, another life as a particle of lust - an orgasm of truth and beauty all around.
Oh, Goodness, fuck me, fuck me hard, thine is the kingdom and thine is the cunt!
And he went to the cross like a bridegroom to the bride. | 11:50p |
"storm temple" sometimes a second is a second too much for us who watch the stroms to come
the second that stops is the second which spots all the droplets riding the hurricane | 11:52p |
"self breathanalysis" Do you breathe? Do you? Because you seem to forget and not notice that you breathe. Do you live? Do you? Because you seem rotting and don't even mind that the dance is ending NOW. Right now tomorrow - yeah! You don't feel. | 11:55p |
"no turning back" Oh no, I stepped on my cat! The cat now hates me, and I wish I had not.
Against all odds I am turning back the wheel, but then my hairs jump up from the unholy scream of the cat - I wish I had not. | 11:56p |
"perspire in futility" I'm a cube rolling down a hill I'm a sphere trying to be still I'm a triangle dreaming a romb My geometry is valid, but intentions unsound. Unless I'm a line spinning around
There's a theorem somewhere burried in there, if only I could stop... Oh no, I'm a dot!
Put me to rest, won't you please I am hopeless a one-dimensional dimwit clown unless one even less is the true answer to my call!
Thus I reduced myseld to death, but the dead do not intend and so I left the non-dimensional land where only intentions are enough.
Now I am who knows what (as it is more to the point than the clarity of not). |