Sailing the Cosmic Winds
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Saturday, November 17th, 2012

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    "All walls are great, if the roof doesn't fall!" :)

    Current Music: Bjork - I've seen it all
    Āaaaaaaa, nevaru noturēties, vajag! :) Šodien autentiskā Hopi-Navaho veikalā dzirdēju indiāņu bungas, nu vajag, vajag, vajag! Rezonējas dvēselē. Tikai 250 eiro.... dunnnn dunnnn dunnn dunnn
    Your Canine Behavior Type Index is SBH - Adventurer

    Your dog is a Spontaneous, Beta and High Activity type which we call the Adventurer. The Adventurer regularly challenges the social order, routine and environmental orderliness. It constantly searches for new social and environmental standards. It is highly competitive with plenty of energy and a playful spirit but not great at group activities.
    Dabūju dvd "Nuremberg: It's lesson for today" (The Schullberg/Waletzsky Restoration]

    Tur ir dokumentālie kadri no Nirnbergas tiesas, kā arī tiesas sēdē rādītie dokumentālie materiāli, ko nacisti bija safilmējuši. Zin, visas mūsdienu filmas ar specefektiem nestāv līdzi tajās šausmās, ko parāda tie graudainie kadri.

    One of the greatest courtroom dramas in history, Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today shows how the international prosecutors built their case against the top Nazi war criminals using the Nazis’ own films and records. The trial established the “Nuremberg principles,” laying the foundation for all subsequent trials for crimes against the peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
    This is the official U.S. government’s film about the trial, made for the War Department & U.S. Military Government by Stuart Schulberg, a veteran of John Ford’s OSS War Crimes film team. Though it was distributed in Germany in 1948 and1949 as part of the U.S. denazification campaign, its release to American theaters and other countries was canceled due to political concerns.
    Over the years, the original picture negative and sound elements were lost or destroyed. Filmmakers Sandra Schulberg and Josh Waletzky created a new 35mm negative (made from the German Bundesarchiv’s best “lavender print”) and re-constructed the soundtrack using original sound from the trial. The Schulberg/Waletzky restoration allows audiences to hear Justice Robert H. Jackson's famous opening and closing statements to the Tribunal, and the testimony from the German defendants and their defense attorneys — all in their own voices — as well as bits of the English, Russian and French prosecutors. Now, more than 60 years later, the newly-restored film can be seen around the world for the first time. The film ends with Justice Jackson’s stirring words: “Let Nuremberg stand as a warning to all who plan and wage aggressive war.”
    On the occasion of its 60th Anniversary, the Berlin International Film Festival has designated the screening of this historic restoration a Berlinale Special.
    For more information:

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