Lament for Lady

Maijs. 17., 2011 | 09:11 am
mood: amused amused

No Game of Thrones autora bloga:

It has come to my attention that a number of television viewers (mostly those who had not read my books and did not know what was coming)were shocked and upset by what befell Sansa's direwolf Lady at the end of the second episode of HBO's GAME OF THRONES.

Good. I mean, that was kind of the point.

But some people were reportedly so shocked and upset that they wrote angry blogs about it, and even declared that they would not continue watching the show.

Not so good. Obviously, I'm sorry to hear that.

I don't know if any of those people are reading my Not A Blog. But in case they are, perhaps it will make you feel a little better to know that Zunni, the Northern Inuit who played Lady, is alive and well, and has been adopted by Sophie Turner, the lovely young actress who plays Sansa in the show. We didn't really kill her.

(Rhodri Hosking, the young actor who played the butcher's boy Mycah, was not actually killed either, though oddly, no one seems quite so upset about him).

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Drosha naave

Maijs. 17., 2011 | 10:19 pm
mood: amused amused

Shodien mums autoskolaa bija pirmaa pirmaas paliidziibas nodarbiiba. Elpinaajaam lelli, utml.
Sapratu vienu ne paaraak forshu lietu. Ja es kaadreiz atradiishos bezsamanjaa un ja peec muusu kursa var spriest par statistiski videeju cilveeku riiciibu, tad mani gaida drosha naave no pirmaas paliidziibas sniedzeeja rokaam :))
No saakuma man tiks aizspiests deguns/elpvads, lai nevaru paelpot, tad salauzas ribas un visbidzot iepuusts plaushaas tik daudz gaisa, ka es nosmakshu savos veemekljos. Tur vajag tieshaam kaadas aukstasiniigas un retas minoritaates paarstaavi, lai neapjuktu iistaa avaarijas situaacijaa un visu izdariitu pareizi... nu, vai arii profesionaali, bet taadi parasti negadaas tuvumaa.

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