čiepsti un atrijas - September 10th, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 10th, 2019

[Sep. 10th, 2019|04:51 am]
Meh, nemāku gulēt. Zāles, no kurām vajadzētu nolikties uz visu nakti, darbojas 5,5 stundas. Vai varbūt tie ir tie slavenie dabas ritmi, kuriem es tagad pieskaņojos?
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[Sep. 10th, 2019|04:57 pm]
[music |Mūžīgais remonts]

Ko es šodien izlasīju tualetes grāmatā: "To confuse our own constructions and inventions with eternal laws or divine decrees is one of the most fatal delusions of men." (Isaiah Berlin, 1909-1997)
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