(bez virsraksta)

Okt. 5., 2006 | 09:45 pm

Pazaudēju metro / autobusu braukšanas karti, tukša tāpat jau bija,- nekāds zaudējums nav. Nopirku jaunu karti, veco webā deaktivizēju... un tad es saņēmu šo lielisko meilu. Izcēlumi mani, mani komentāri kursīvā.
Dear Mr ...,

Thank you for contacting us, regarding your lost Oyster card.

I regret to inform you though,
that your card is unregistered.
As it states in our Conditions of Carriage,

we offer replacements or refunds if appropriate for registered cards only.

šī ir gandrīz kā haika, tikai 1 rindiņa par daudz. toties pirmās 3 - īstas Hon Dzjū stila pērles

As your card is unregistered we are unable to block the card, because in order for us to cancel a card we need to first confirm the password which in turn verifies that it is the owner of the card requesting the cancellation. If your card is unregistered, you will not have a password and therefore we cannot verify if it is the owner of the card requesting the cancellation and we cannot block the card.

šis atgādina uzdevumu 1.kursa loģikas studentiem: "Ja visi kaķi ir tumsā pelēki, tad vai ir tiesa, ka visi pelēkie kaķi atrodas tumsā vai ka visi nepelēkie kaķi tumsā neatrodas?"

According to the points stated above, I regret to inform you that we cannot offer you any refund either for the money on your Oyster card. I can also advise you though that if you require another Oyster card, to register it to prevent this from occurring again.

Im sorry, that I cannot give you a more favourable response but please contact me again if you need any help in the future.

Yours sincerely
Customer Service Advisor
Customer Service Centre

Notice from London Underground Limited (LUL).

Views expressed in this email are the individual sender's except where specifically stated to be the views of LUL.

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Okt. 5., 2006 | 10:02 pm

šodien lielveikalā Tesco mani pie kases apkalpoja meitene ar vārdu uz plāksnītes Comfort. lai pārliecinātos, ka tas neapzīmē servisa līemni, bet tiešām vārdu, paskatījos uz blakus meiteni - tā bija vienkārša un banāla Jenny. sajutos ļoti komfortabli apkalpots.

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