mans sviests
mans sviests
mans sviests - 24. Septembris 2014
24. Septembris 2014
- 24.9.14 16:02
- Nevarēju saprast, ko kas tā par atmiņas kņudēšanu, ko izraisa viens jaunākā Aphex Twin gabaliņš. Tad atskārtu, ka N.S.R.D.
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- 24.9.14 16:25
"Rats, for instance, were often sent “a friendly letter of advice in order to induce them to quit any house, in which their presence is deemed undesirable,” writes Evans. And in one case, he adds, “a sow and a she-ass were condemned to be hanged; on appeal, and after a new trial, they were sentenced to be simply knocked on the head.”"
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- 24.9.14 20:12
- "Kāds no tā labums sabiedrībai?" pavaicāja zemnieki un nodedzināja par muižas darbaļažu vaiga sviedros sastrādāto naudu ievākto mācītāja Bīlenšteina bibliotēku.
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