.:kaķa ņaudamlapa:.

anima_de_nera ind. emotional side

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(no subject) @ 10:48 am


when we have frittered away the morning, letting ourselves be distracted from the task in hand, and when it hardly seems worth trying to salvage the rest of the day; when our energy levels are low, the Lenten fast is irksome and we are tempted to break it by foraging in the fridge; when we are facing the monotony of the daily routine and when a creeping spiritual inertia and indifference starts to undermine us (none of this is personal, you understand) – that is when the noonday demon strikes. And that is the moment we must grab a rosary, go for a walk, force our minds out from this slough of despondency and reclaim the friendship[]. It is the only remedy.

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.:kaķa ņaudamlapa:.

anima_de_nera ind. emotional side