.:kaķa ņaudamlapa:.

anima_de_nera ind. emotional side

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(no subject) @ 08:46 pm


[info]karlis_i  ir forshi parūpējies par citiem sliņķīšiem, kam nav ko darīt...

What is your sexual style?
You scored as Exciting. You are exciting, people want to fuck your brains out and you know it. Whether it's in an airplane or on the back of the bus, sex with you is always exciting.
Hot 94%
Exciting 94%
Wet 94%
Violent 81%
Soft 69%
Sweet 63%
Awkward 44%
Shy 6%

How good do you kiss?
You scored as Romantic Kisser. Good for you! You know how to kiss and hopefully you have a certain someone to experience a serge of happiness with. If not, it doesnt hurt to flirt kiss a little hehe. Just dont get carried away. Romantic kissing is always a plus! Kissing is an art keep it up and youll be really good! Here some tips: 1. Be ready 2. no smoking 3. start slow 4. up the intensity 5. develop rhythm 6. change it up 7. pay attention to hands 8. experiment 9. respond 10. repeat
Romantic Kisser 94%
Yippy Ki Yay! 75%
Your more of a class act than youre giving yourself credit for 38%

What language should you learn?
You scored as Spanish. You should learn Spanish. It can be useful especially if you live in the United States.
Spanish 87%
Arabic 60%
French 53%
Latin 53%
Chinese 40%
English 33%
Japanese 20%

What philosophy do you follow?
You scored as Hedonism. Your life is guided by the principles of Hedonism: You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest, good; and you try to enjoy life’s pleasures as much as you can. “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”
Hedonism 100%
Existentialism 80%
Strong Egoism 75%
Justice (Fairness) 75%
Kantianism 70%
Apathy 65%
Utilitarianism 65%
Nihilism 40%
Divine Command 25%

How dirty is your mind?
You scored as Not so clean. You're not what I'd call pure, but you're not too dirty. Thats okay... i guess?
Not so clean 90%
Complete Filth 60%
Pure and Innocent 40%
Pedofile 10%

What Body Part Are You Attracted To?
You scored as Abs/Stomach. You are attracted to: the abs/stomach. You are a abs/stomach guy/gurl.
Abs/Stomach 75%
Penis 75%
Face 50%
Butt 25%
Boobs 25%


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.:kaķa ņaudamlapa:.

anima_de_nera ind. emotional side