.:kaķa ņaudamlapa:.

anima_de_nera ind. emotional side

Eva, your Life Path of 4 ... @ 06:50 pm

Current Mood: 5as garas darbadienas beigušās
Current Music: winamps vēl nav ieslēdzies

, guess what? Your life path is known as a master number in numerology

You are considered to be the more powerful and the wiser of the two master numbers. Sometimes number 22s are called the master builders in life as they are capable of imagining and then creating the huge systems and networks that support the very fabric of civilization. It is usually a 22 that is the propelling force when it comes to shifting the consciousness of great masses of people or improving the life quality of millions of people.

You are an optimistic individual who has the rare capability to manifest your higher ideals into reality. You are blessed with the ability to realize even the most far-fetched and seemingly impossible ideas. You are a clear communicator and eloquent with words.

You are natural born leader and others willingly follow your direction. Usually you are attractive in appearance. You find your soul mate very early in life and usually stay with that one person until the end of your life. Usually this soul mate is presented to you almost as a matter of grace so you can focus on the larger more important matters you are fated to attend to.

You are brilliant, inventive and above average intelligence. Others find you to be charismatic and inspirational and your life is often filled with appreciative employees and friends. Your very presence is reassuring and comforting to others and many seek out your advice and wise words. In fact, many 22's become recognized sages and spiritual gurus by the end of their life.

As part of a karmic quirk, you were probably born into wealth and privilege and it is likely you received a better education than most people. These were the tools that the cosmos gave you to excel on your life path. The only drawback of such a path is that others may become jealous and see you as "being born with a silver spoon in your mouth."

Number 22's are almost assured enormous success, prestige and fame at some point in their life. Those who don't become famous in the obvious sense are often the unsung geniuses behind progressive inventions and technology. However most 22's are not motivated to achieve as a matter of reward. If you are a 22 you probably enjoy what you do and would even do it for free.

You also make an exceptional parent, teacher, counselor and spouse. Perhaps the only thing you may not excel at is being a follower.

You are also very emotionally balanced and a guardian of all that is harmonious and beautiful in life. As you are a great lover of art, you may also serve as a patron to artists, poets or musicians.

As you are also considered to be an enlightened number, you will also be very charitable and philanthropic during your lifetime. Many charities and organizations will benefit from your wealth, as will your relatives, friends and family.

Despite your achievement, you will also be much beloved simply because you are such a humble individual. On a metaphysical level you might even have the ability to transform negative energy into positive as you are so wonderfully connected to the divine.

You are also very at peace with both your subconscious mind and higher self. You are distinguished by your ability to apply spiritual knowledge and in a practical way. You are secure emotionally and seemingly incapable of being distracted from your chosen path. You consider yourself to be above petty emotions and resentments and accept your tasks and emotional obligations with gratitude and a noble sense of duty.

Eva, your Expression of 4 ... Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities @ 06:53 pm

The height of self-expression for you is when you are caught up on all of your work, the house is clean, the bills are paid and everything is in perfect order. You are the number that covets civilization and all of its contents the most. If life could be defined as a machine you are the nuts and bolts that holds everything together.

You believe that action speaks volumes more than words and express your respect and love for others by using a practical down-to-earth approach. You believe the greatest path to your own personal truth is to live by your personal convictions. For this reason, you are often very concerned with taking care of yourself, maintaining your belongings and property and making sure that your family and children are well cared for.

You are a diligent, hard worker who is always willing to lend a helping hand but only if it is for the good of all concerned. You don't have much patience with arrogant people and you openly express your dislike of people you consider to be controlling or pushy. Sometimes this resistance expresses itself as an outright defiance of authority. You are very courageous and almost always right but often your willingness to fall on your own sword for the sake of principle also makes you "dead right."

You love nature and especially gardening and landscaping. You may express your love for the earth by participating in ecological and animal preservation causes. Number 4s often also own many pets and many relate to their pets better than they relate to people.

As you can be quite rigid in your opinions, you often end up in many arguments. One of your challenges may be to learn to express yourself in a way that does not seem autocratic or bossy to others. You also have very strong likes and dislikes that can seem prejudiced or overly biased to others. This can hold you back both professionally and personally.

When it comes to love you is a very attentive and loyal partner. Sometimes to get attention you may play with a lover's insecurities. Among your negative tendencies is creating jealousy or suspicion on purpose or being obsessive or possessive.

Your role in society is to create structures that bring fulfillment to the highest of human aspirations. You are a wonderful planner and administrator and you know how to facilitate organizations and services that meet people's needs. Many fours are skilled at carpentry, sewing, horticulture, and interior decoration. Many of you are good with your hands, which make you excellent sculptors and surgeons.

You are creative, intelligent and have an attentiveness to detail that can border on obsession. Your self-discipline and willingness to practice until something is perfect also leads fours to careers in performance, especially athletics and music.

Your personal style is casual yet tasteful. Your budget often also determines what you wear, as you don't believe in spending money foolishly. You judge people by their inner beauty and not their outer appearance. The people you judge most favorably, however are those that agree with your opinions.

Your insistence on financial security, charity and the stewardship of the young often makes you a pillar of the community at a very young age. The passing down of wisdom is often how a number four can best express their love of their community.

Eva, your Soul Urge of 8 ... What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life @ 06:55 pm

You are one of the most spiritual complex and misunderstood numbers. Your ability to create wealth often fills your life with difficult relationships. Others may try to take advantage of you or try to make you feel guilty for your success. You are probably used to being described as greedy or shallow but usually the opposite is true. Often your devotion to keeping the free exchange of money flowing costs you dearly personally either through overwork or thanklessness from others.

In essence your number is about exchange - the exchange of things for profit. Although you are materially oriented you are not spiritually bereft. In fact, one of your most sophisticated spiritual qualities is your belief that all should wealthy and that all should benefit from your endeavors.

The highest expression of your soul urge number is when you are at the top of the food chain and dispensing goodies down to those who work for you or love you. You are very trustworthy individual who is entrusted often with the task of caring completely for other people's livelihoods. This is a huge responsibility and many simply don't understand the challenge.

You are blessed with the tools that come in hand with being a great leader - foresight, analytical abilities and a great understanding of human nature. Your ability to sell ice to an Eskimo comes from a truly grounded and practical understanding of the wants and needs of humans. You are very astute when it comes to choosing partners and employees. You always assign people to roles that best suit their talents and resources and so that all benefit from your grand plans.

Usually it is an eight that facilitates the building of a church, day care center or opera house. Art and the theater truly do appeal to your brilliant mind. Many of you are excellent when it comes to choosing talent and putting it to work in your organization. You may also privately support an artist that you believe is adding beauty, meaning and order to the world.

Another soul energy that drives you is your need to demonstrate the circulation of love and prosperity in your life. If you are not making money, it seems to you like you are not being favored by the Gods or that you are on the wrong path. Like feng shui masters, you see the circulation of wealth in your life as evidence that love is blossoming in your life as well. This is because you are as equally concerned with attaining spiritual riches as you are material riches.

Many of you are natural born feng shui masters and have innate understanding of the use of space. For you beauty is a matter of form following function, so if it is useful it is beautiful to you. This is why many eights end up funding the design of grand buildings or malls or creating large corporations or organizations. In Biblical terms, you are the one who knows how to divide up a single fish to feed thousands.

You are also an extraordinarily kind person and one of your challenges may be about deciding who is a good risk to lend money to or not. For this reason, you can always expect some losses in your life due to the lending of money. If you are stolen from, your highest spiritual calling is to forgive the debt and realize that others simply don't have the same natural knack for creating wealth that you do.

mans nick... :D @ 11:53 pm

"Black Widows"

Out of the cold, they are rising up
Nameless creatures, bent on revenge
They follow blind, a senseless idol
Their religion is black and suicidal

Black is the colour
Black is their mind


Like invincible spiders, they creeping around
You can't see them, they're underground
A trail of blood they leave behind
They are a pest for all mankind

Black is the colour
Black is their mind


Black Widows
Black Widows
Black Widows kill peolpe
In the name of hate

.:kaķa ņaudamlapa:.

anima_de_nera ind. emotional side