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Sunday, March 23rd, 2003

Time:1:40 pm.
Savulaik uzreiz acīs iekritis citāts no mazas, sarkanas, gudras Gētes grāmatiņas.

Diletantam mākslinieka klātbūtne ir nepieciešama - māksliniekā viņš saskata sevis paša pilnveidojumu.

.. Lai tas būtu kā šīs dienas atskaites punkts.
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Time:3:12 pm.
Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā atklājas aizvien augstākas cilvēku slimuma pakāpes :D


"Inflatable Party Sheep designed to be the friend you've always needed, the love you have always dreamed of. It's the little lamb you can love and will love you back. For all your sheep loving friends - bring out the beast in them. For centuries men the world over have known that a sheep is the next best thing to a woman. It is soft, sexy, and disease free!"
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