- 5/22/17 11:11 pm
- Istaba tumša, paceļu acis un tumsas dziļdomīgās acis mani vēro, kas tur tumsā, kurš tur tumsā! Atbildi! Baidies!
Žigli, ašiem solīšiem no gultas ārā, gaismu ieslēgt!
Tik pati tumsā, spoguļa atspulgā - baismīga tāda, lielām baiļu acīm! - Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Klusums Pasaulīgais
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Multikulturālisma slimības
- 10/28/15 09:27 pm
- UK vairāk kā 1000 cilvēki piedāvāja savas mājas nelegāļiem - viss jau gāja kā plānots, līdz UK valdība kategoriski aizliedza izvietot nelegāļus iedzīvotāju īpašumos. Kāpēc? Varbūt tāpēc, ka valdība zin draudīgo patiesību? - Bīstamās slimības, kas gadu desmitiem bijušas izskaustas - masveidā atgriežas līdz ar nelegāļu ierašanos. Šodien paskatīsimies statistiku Eiropā un vērsīsim uzmanību uz aktuāliem riskiem.
Tropiskās slimības:
1. Eiropā neeksistējošs kopš 1920 gada. Denges drudzis, (tropu drudzis). Portugālē, Madeirā sākot no 2012 gada 3 oktobrim, līdz 2013 gada 3. februārim 2164 saslimšanas gadījumi, 23 UK, 19 Vācijā , 3 Francijā, 5 Zviedrijā, 7 Somijā, pa 2 Dānijā, Austrijā, Norvēģijā, bet viens gadījums Horvātijā, Slovēnijā, Spānijā. Statistika par 2014 un 2015 vēl netiek atklāta, bet ir skaidrs, ka šie skaitļi joprojām palielinās.
2. Grieķijā reģistrēta Malārija, kas tika pilnībā izskausta 1960'os. 2011 gadā reģistrēti 36 gadījumi. 2012 - 2013 5852 gadījumi Eiropā.
3. Rietumnīlas vīruss nu jau visā Dienvideiropā 2015 gada statistika šogad uz 22 oktobri - 104 Eiropas Savienības valstīs 134 ES kaimiņvalstīs.
4. Šistosomatoze un opisthorchiasis
5. Ebola - ir pierādīts, ka Ebola vīruss spermā saglabājas pat 9 mēnešus pēc izslimošanas, kā zināms Āfrikā Ebolas mirušo un izdzīvojušo skaits sniedzas desmitos tūkstošu. Ikviens Āfrikas nelegālis, īpaši no Lībijas, Sierra Leones, Ginejas, Libērijas, Mali ir īpašs drauds.
6. Leišmanioze, tautā saukta Aleppo evil - aptuveni 700 gadījumi ik gadu, ja ieskaita Turciju - 3950.
Šīs ir tropiskās slimības, bet vēl jāuzskaita plašāk sastopamās slimības, ko mums ieved masveidā, līdz ar multikulturālismu - tuberkuloze - otrā nāvējošākā saslimšana aiz HIV/AIDS, sifiliss, HIV (un citas venēriskās slimības), lepra, dizentērija, kašķis, hepatīts B,C, visa iespējamā veida gastro-entero parazītiskās slimības.
Nelegāļi izmet atkritumus, sļauj un dirš pa labi un pa kreisi, autobusos, ceļmalās, blakus podiem, blakus izlietnēm, slimnīcās apmētā personālu ar sūdiem un urīnu burtiski radot veselīgu augsni epidēmiskām saslimšanām! Piemēram tuberkuloze! - Ceru, ka katrs no mums zin, ka slimnieks ne vien klepojot, bet arī caur stiprām izelpām, aktīvi izplata TB mikobaktērijas apkārtējā vidē, veidojot gaisā infekcijas aerosolus un tādējādi inficējot gadā vismaz 10 – 15 citus cilvēkus! Turklāt tuberkulozes baktērijas ir satriecošas izdzīvotājas! Visbēdīgākais faktors šajā visā ir tas, ka valdība neuzskata par vajadzīgu brīdināt mūs - patlaban vienīgās valstis, kuras ir oficiāli brīdinājušas savus pilsoņus ir Polija un Ungārija! Ja arī Tu izvēlies strādāt ar nelegāļiem - sargi sevi, ģimeni un apkārtējos - lieto gumijas cimdus, respiratoru un ATSAKIES vākt aiz viņiem - lai paši vāc savus mēslus! - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Linki rakstiem, video, kurus jāsaglabā un jānoskatās
- 10/19/15 01:56 pm
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-D8Mf9
http://www.barenakedislam.com/2015/09/28/muslims-say-they-will-make-it-legal-to-r ape-white-women-when-they-take-over-euro pe/
http://conservativefiringline.com/video-czech-doctor-reveals-horrific-reali ty-of-muslim-migrants-in-germany/
http://www.dw.com/en/hungary-to-build-anti-immigrant-fence-on-romanian-border/a-1 8716031
http://shoebat.com/2014/03/17/actual-literal-islamic-human-slaughterhouses-chri stians-discovered/
https://www.facebook.com/240638706109428/videos/489461177893845/ - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Eiropas bezsmadzeņi
- 10/19/15 12:51 pm
- Mīļie latvieši! Mēs tuvojamies pinīgai iznīcībai. ES vēlas uzņemt Turciju Eiropas Savienībā. 77 MILJONI Muslimu! Ar brīvām pārvietošanās tiesībām ES. 77 MILJONI! Un tas nav viss. ES vēlas izveidot ES armiju, (NATO veiksmīgi pilda aizsardzības funkciju), ES KONSTITŪCIJA JAU ir izveidota, BEZ Latvijas klātbūtnes. Kāds drauds Eiropas valūtā, konstitūcijā, armijā? Mēs zaudējam identitāti - nav vairs briti, nav latvieši, nav zviedri - mēs esam Eiropas pilsoņi. Tajā skaitā Turki drīzumā - viena pilsonība, viena valūta, viena armija. Skolās JAU bērniem nemāca - "Tu esi latvietis", nē - Tu esi EIROPAS pilsonis. Eiropa ir PRET nacionalitāti, pret tradīcijām un pret patriotismu. Eiropa sen vairs nepārstāv MŪSU INTERESES. Šantāža, sankcijas, prasības - sancijas - tas ir cikls mēs ikdienā veicam patlaban. Mēs, ar savu naudu būsim spiesti uzturēt nabadzīgos Turkus, būsim spiesti salabot Izdemolēto, novājināto Franciju, Zviedriju, Vāciju, Briseli, Grieķiju un visas citas nācijas, kas cietušas šajā piespiedu Islamizācijas procesā. Skaidra ziņa - NEPRETOJIES VAI ARĪ .... ! Lūdzu neizliecieties tas tālu un neskar mūs vēl! NAV laika argumentiem ar Eiropas kalpiem, NAV laika argumentiem ar multikulturālistiem! Atbalstam PATRIOTISKAS partijas, ATBALSTAM un INFORMĒJAM - Latvijas mediji krietni uzpirkti - rokas priekšā acīm un aiziet! INFORMĀCIJA, KOPUMS, RĪCĪBA = SPĒKS! Nesēdi malā! Iesaisties, meklē - pārsūti - vairo informāciju, informācijas avotus! Atbalstam UNGĀRIJU, POLIJU, SLOVĀKIJU - šīs valstis stā par saviem pilsoņiem, nepadodas spiedienam - mūsu tiesības ir PIEPRASĪT LATVIJAI NEPADOTIES!
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Muslims will replace them! Tas par mums - latviešiem!
- 10/16/15 10:13 pm
- This Muslim leader just comes out and says that Europe will be conquered by the Muslims and that Christianity will be defeated…he hopes. This is Latvia and Europe but Americans need to take notes on this and understand that the Muslims do not want to assimilate. Entire communities will be forever changed just like in Minnesota where the “fundamental transformation” has happened.
Islam will replace Christianity in Europe just as Christianity replaced Paganism centuries ago, and it will conquer by womb rather than the sword to make Latvia an Islamic State, claim Muslim community leaders in the Baltic country.
Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said while they both had three children with their wives each “we are working to have more” in an effort to colonise the country faster.
Asked “what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?” white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said: “Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority”.
“Islam is the best way to conquer the world in the form of peace”, he said.
Centre chairman Abu Hamza Umar John Lucino mocked Latvians who objected to the seemingly unstoppable tide of demographics threatening to sweep the traditions of the country away on the basis of Latvia being predominantly a Christian nation.
He asked: “We often hear this is a Christian country. Although if we look at history, what do you take as your starting point? Which year? Which century? 800 years ago, Christianity was the one moving in here, it was not the religion of the local people.
“Now Islam is entering. Except unlike Christianity, Islam is not spreading with violence”.
Latvia was one of the last places in Europe which became Christianised, not falling under the influence of Rome until the 13th century. Despite it’s comparatively recent move from Baltic paganism, Latvia remains one of the more Christian countries in Europe with nearly 80 per cent of Latvians professing either Lutheranism, Catholicism, or Orthodoxy.
The major challenge for Latvia, which gives credence to the claim that what is now a comparatively small group of Muslims will replace them in as little as two generations is the nation’s own demographic time bomb.
The fertility rate of Latvians today is just 1.4 children per couple, a figure that would be lower for native couples should faster-reproducing migrants be excluded from the calculation, and already far below the 2.1 children needed to prevent population collapse.
The interview also dashed any hope that the new arrivals, both in terms of children delivered to Muslim parents or refugees and migrants forced on the country against its will by the European Union will integrate and eventually fit in. When asked whether the remarks of government ministers, who emphasised the importance of integration of incoming communities were well founded, Mr. Klimovičs replied:
“It is absolutely clear that this merger will not take place. Our cultures are completely different. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- 10/16/15 05:47 pm
- Muslims promise to take over Latvia
Within 50 years, Latvia will become a Muslim country, the Islamic Cultural Centre in Latvia promises, reports the Baltic web portal Delfi.
According to the Islamic Cultural Centre's spokesperson, Ahmed Roberts Klimovičs, the majority of children in Latvia will be born into Muslim families in the middle of this century. He said he has three children and that "we are working to make more".
Klimovičs and the culture center's director, Jānis Lūciņš, said that Islam is the best way to "conquer the world in a peaceful way".
Previously, Klimovičs criticized Riga Mayor Nils Ušakovs, for his proposal to allow the immigrants to perform simple work, in example cemeteries. According to Klimovičs, it is the duty of Muslims to "tear down the cross, but such work would cherish the cemeteries and show respect". Therefore, according Klimovičs, it is not possible for Muslim immigrants to participate in Ušakovs proposed job program. In general, to Muslims, a cemetery is "a place of punishment," said the representative of Latvia's Muslims.
In September, the European Commission decided to force Latvia to receive 737 immigrants. Most politicians in the Parliament opposed the decision, to no avail. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- 10/16/15 09:34 am
- http://spoki.tvnet.lv/tribine/Vacijas-s
Skolas apgalvo, ka bērni paši jautājuši ko var palīdzēt un tādēļ šis "projekts"veidots. BET bērnus laist pie šiem migrantiem ir ĻOTI bīstami, šie migranti iespējams slimo ar sifilisu, HIV, AIDS, Ebola, Tuberkulozi un vēl daudzām, mūsu ārstiem nezināmām tropiskajām slimībām - lūdzu Latvieši, nekādā gadījumā neiesaistieties ar migrantiem, nekādā gadījumā nelaidiet bērnus pie viņiem! Bērni uzkopjot var saskarties ar fēcēm, mukusu, urīnu utt! Vācijas skolām ir ar likumu aizliegts izteikties, Vācijas mediķiem ir aizliegts izteikties, bet visas šīs slimības, ko minēju, ieskaitot nezināmas tropiskas saslimšanas, ir reģistrētas un dažas - HIV, Sifiliss, piemēram, ir epidēmiskas! Lūdzu sargiet sevi, un, lai iegūtu papildus informāciju, sekojiet līdz ne tikai Latvijas medijiem, bet arī valstu, kuras migrantu dēļ ir krīzes stāvoklī - Somija, Norvēģija, Francija, Vācija. Lūdzu protestējiet un PIEPRASIET lai Latvija sargā mūsu nacionalitāti un neuzņem migrantus. Sargiet sevi un bruņojieties - drošs paliek nedrošs!
Daži mani informācijas resursi:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anYi5cvsq9U Vācija - skolas tagad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9NPTJQ8YMc Muslimu skolās UK, bērniem māca mūs ienīst.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVWAIKoatWM Šis video ir 30 minūtes garš un ir ļoti svarīgi zināt, ar ko patiesībā saskaras skolas, kurās mācās Musulmaņu bērni, kas atsakās pieņemt konstitūciju, jo tas ir "cilvēka veidots likums". Bērni, tāpat kā pieaugušie Muhammeda sekotāji uzskata, ka SHARI'AH Law ir vienīgais likums pēc kā viņiem jāvadās. UK skolās notiek precendenti ar pat 10 gadus veciem Musulmaņu bērniem, kuri PIEPARASA meitenēm vilkt galvassegu un pieprasa lūgšanu telpu skolā.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RmiRPEvUIk Gērts Wilders - īsfilma par Islamu.
Mīļie Latvieši - ir laiks sekot SLOVĀKU, ANGOLAS, UNGĀRIJAS, POLIJAS piemēram un aktīvi cīnīties PRET piespiedu islamizāciju! Migranti ik dienu ienāk Eiropā un šobrīd ne tikai solītie 1000, bet jau vairāk par 3000, dažās vastīs nedēļas nogalē reģistrē pat 6000! Nedomājiet, ka Merkele, Junkers un Sorosa miljardieri liksies mierā, neguliet uz mazas uzvaras lauriem - cīņa NAV galā, ik reizi, kad MERKELE noklust - pēc dienas, divām, kas sasodīti slikts (pret mums vērsts) tiek paziņots! Mācieties šaut, pērciet ieročus un iepērciet pārtiku! Militārie konflikti starp UK, Ķīnu, US, Saudi Arābiju, Turciju, Sīrijas Assad režīmu, ISIS notiek ik dienu! Nepieļaujiet, ka esiet nejauši pārsteigti ar to, kas notiek.
Lai Dieviņš mūs sargā! - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- 9/18/15 08:32 pm
- Understanding Islam
In the Name of Allah
Why terrorists do what they do... in their own words.
"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."
Osama bin Laden, May 1998
Aside from pursuing mass murder plots against innocent populations in every corner of the planet, Islamic terrorists have one other thing in common:
They credit their motivation and success to religion.
Islam isn't hijacked by extremists - it is what sustains them. This distinguishes Islamic terrorism from mere criminal activity, and it is part of what makes Islam so very, very different from other religions.
Many people would prefer to bury their heads in the sand or look for ways to recast Islamic terror to fit their own political agenda, but the fact is that violent Muslims are quite explicit about the religious certainty that compels and justifies their actions.
The teachings and early history of Islam that explain the violence are discussed elsewhere on this site. Here we just want to show that, as far as Islamic terrorists are concerned, their acts are done specifically in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and Islamic rule... across the globe.
[The Taliban are] "a simply band of dedicated youths determined to establish the laws of Allah on earth... The Taliban will fight until there is no blood in Afghanistan left to shed, and Islam becomes a way of life four our people."
Mullah Omar, Taliban leader
"Our animosity is based on religion. We hate Americans for their secular ideology."
Tehrik-e-Taliban spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan explaining why his group of terrorists are opposed to the American presence in Afghanistan.
"In the name of Allah the Avenger, I swear on the holy book to perform my sacred duty as a soldier of Islam in this Jihad to restore to this world the light of divine justice... Allah demands no less. For to die in the cause is to be sent immediately to paradise."
A Taliban official.
“But the coming Islamic caliphate country will not rise except at the hands of the fighting sect who raises the flag of Allah and Jihad.”
Statement from the Salafi terrorist group, one of several fundamentalist cells responsible for the slaughter of 150,000 men women and children in the 1990’s.
"Our Jihad consists of killing and dispersing all those who fight against Allah and his Prophet."
"Throat-slitting and murder until the power is Allah's!"
Both quotes from leaders of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). The first spoken by Sid Ahmed Mourad, the second from Abdelkader Hattab.
“The month of Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month for fighting the enemies of Allah.”
'Base of Jihad' , taking credit for the brutal suicide bombing of a bus full of innocent tourists.
“Islam came for the good of humanity. So if someone doesn't like good we fight them.”
Faruq Khalil Muhammad, explaining why he supports terrorism against infidels.
“True resistance is helped by Allah the Supreme and the battles are for His just cause”
Abu Hafs, Mujahideen and one of the region’s most prolific killer
“I ask you to step up Jihad against enemies of Allah... Destroy Allah's enemies wherever you have them, wherever your hands reach you may open a front... When there is a total war, there are no more civilian objects or civilian population"
Doku Umarov, a leader who has taken personal responsibility for dozens of terror attacks in which many civilians were left dead.
“We are working until we make Allah's religion supreme and we live a precious life in the shadow of Islamic Shariah law, or else be rewarded with martyrdom in the cause of Allah. We are plotting for the Chinese to suffer the torture of Allah, or else by our hands”
Abdul Haq, leader of the Turkistan Islamic Party, which took credit for the hacking to death of 33 commuters at a Chinese train station.
Dagestan (Russia)
"I ask Allah that the next season he’ll give us the opportunity to kill as many kafirs [non-believers] as we can, just to shred them to pieces. Allah is almighty."
William Plotnikov, an Islamic militant fighting in Dagestan
Terrorism is killing non-believers... for the sake of Allah
Dagestani 'rebel' speaking on camera.
"There is nothing more right in God's religion (Islam) than those who speak of the infidelity, reneging on Islam and abandonment of religion, and call for the necessity to fight"
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, an al-Qaeda spokesperson
"Allah is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, Jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."
Credo of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has spawned attacks and numerous subsidiary terrorist organizations
"Our conflict is not an Israeli-Arab conflict. Our struggle is not for a Palestinian state. We are seeking the world. We are seeking the whole world. We are seeking a confrontation against all Crusaders, against all Christians, against all infidels until they adopt the Islamic religion, until they follow the Sharia of Allah. We are not interested in Palestine. We are not interested in Tel Aviv or in Ashkelon. What is important for us is to see Islam ruling the world. This is the religion of God and we are fighting to see Islam rule the world."
Abu Al-Ayna al-Ansari, a leader of a Salafi group in the Gaza Strip that is allied with Islamic State ideology
“It's a religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad... especially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims."
Abu Jindal Hamza explaining why he helped slaughter 166 people in Mumbai
“Democracy is among the menaces we inherited from an alien government. It is part of the system we are fighting against… It is not possible to work within a democracy and establish an Islamic system… If Allah gives us a chance, we will try to bring in the pure concept of an Islamic Caliphate.''
"The notion of the sovereignty of the people is anti-Islamic. Only Allah is sovereign.''
Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the leader of the Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist organization.
Yes! We - the terrorists of India – THE INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN, - the militia of Islam whose each and every Mujahid belongs to this very soil of India - have returned, to execute the compulsion of Allah:
"Fight them (the disbelievers), Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and give you victory over them and He will heal the hearts of those who believe." (Qur'an 9:14).
Here we begin ... raising the illustrious banner of Jihad against the Hindus and all those who fight and resist us...
All Praise and Glory be to Allah, Who Alone Helps His slaves, Who Alone Fulfils His Promise, and Who Alone Defeats the enemy....
While hoping for the Help and Victory from Allah we declare that such and more severe attacks shall continue irrespective of what the blamers blame us for.
The hosts (of the Kafir) will all be routed and will turn and flee. [Qur’an 54: 45].
We ask Allah to forgive us and Have Mercy on us and Aid us to conquer the unbelievers and Guide us to raise His Word and degrade His enemies with His Will Alone.
And peace be upon His Messenger, and all those who follow the Guidance.
The Indian Mujahideen, claiming credit for a brutal series of bombings that left dozens of civilians dead and hundreds more in agony.
“Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those who say this are witless. Islam says: 'Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all! Kill them, put them to the sword and scatter their armies'....
"Islam says: Whatever good there is exists thanks to the sword and in the shadow of the sword! People cannot be made obedient except with the sword! The sword is the key to paradise, which can be opened only for holy warriors!
"There are hundreds of other [Koranic] psalms and hadiths urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all that mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.'”
The Ayatollah Khomeini
“We planned to kill for the sake of upholding Islamic Sharia and the establishment of a caliphate."
Captured terrorist, Bayu Setiono, who was busted along with five other members of an Islamic school for plotting deadly attacks.
“Keep on fighting for the application of Islamic law. If this state and nation wants to become great, safe, and at peace then it has to return to Islam one hundred percent without bargaining. If not, then it will be destroyed.”
Abu Bakar Bashir, spiritual leader of the Indonesian Mujahideen
Iraq (Sunni)
“There is no doubt that Allah commanded us to strike the Kuffar (unbelievers), kill them, and fight them by all means necessary to achieve the goal. The servants of Allah who perform Jihad to elevate the word (laws) of Allah, are permitted to use any and all means necessary to strike the active unbeliever combatants for the purpose of killing them, snatch their souls from their body, cleanse the earth from their abomination, and lift their trial and persecution of the servants of Allah. The goal must be pursued even if the means to accomplish it affect both the intended active fighters and unintended passive ones such as women, children and any other passive category specified by our jurisprudence.”
Statement by the head of Jama'at al-Tawid wal-Jihad ("Group for Monotheism and Jihad"), a Sunni terrorist known for bloody massacres, including 86 Shiites at a mosque.
Iraq (Shia)
“My motivation is a sense of duty toward my religious faith to fight against any hostile enemy of Islam.”
Abu Deraa, Shiite terrorist known for drilling into captive’s heads
Iraq (al-Qaeda)
"We are defending Islam and its sanctity”
A woman training to be a suicide bomber
"The Prophet, the master of the merciful has ordered to cut off the heads of some of the prisoners of Badr in patience. He is our example and a good role model."
Abu Muasa'b al-Zarqawi speaking moments before beheading an abducted American businessman.
"We are fighting for no other reason than to extract people from the kufr and to usher them into the fold of Islam."
ISIS Commander
"The Islamic State is only putting into practice what we have been taught by al Azhar."
Sufyan al-Omar, the pseudonym of a student who joined ISIS, explaining that it was a natural result of what is taught at the world's most prestigious Islamic university.
“The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its way. It is from Islam that it derives its ideas, concepts, and perceptions concerning the universe, life, and man, and it refers to Islam's judgment in all its actions. It is from Islam that it seeks direction so as to guide its
steps. “
The covenant of Hamas, a terrorist organization that enjoys widespread popularity in the Islamic world despite brutal massacres of Israeli men, women and children.
"It was a calculated act, performed with conviction and faith in Allah... I dedicated myself to Jihad for the sake of Allah and Allah granted me success. Do you know how many casualties there were? That was made possible by Allah."
Ahlam Tamimi, one of the bombers who slaughtered fifteen innocents, including six children at a Sbarro's pizza parlor.
"When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off the fingertip of them"
Literature from the Jama'at al-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad Salafi group in Gaza quoting from the Quran to justify sending rockets haphazardly into Israeli population centers.
"I am proud and honored to be a terrorist for the sake of Allah... This is Islamic religious law. I don't invent anything. I follow Islamic religious law in this."
Umm Nidal, a woman who sent her six sons on suicide missions against Jewish civilians
“Terrorism is a badge of honor on our chests until Judgment Day. In the name of Allah, we’re pursuing the path of jihad until we uproot you, exterminate your state until the rule of the king vanishes. We follow the steps of the Prophet (Muhammad)... Allah is our Lord; you have none."
Hassan al-Smeik, leader of the cell that plotted a chemical weapons attack intended to kill 80,000 Jordanians
"Our people... are fighting disbelievers amongst their own just like the Prophet, Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him, fought his people. The Prophet, Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him, didn’t start with fighting the Romans or the Persians, but he started by fighting his people and made the criterion in that to be this religion."
Hassan al-Smeik, leader of the cell that plotted a chemical weapons attack intended to kill 80,000 Jordanians
"Only Kuffar were singled out for this attack... Oh Allah, plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people."
Terrorists on Twitter explaining why they were shooting non-Muslim shoppers at the Westgate Mall after allowing those who could recite from the Quran to escape.
“The Mujahideen punished with their hands those believing and worshipping other than Allah. The [holy warriors] will continued until such practice is eliminated."
al-Shabaab loyalist Sheikh Hassan Takar on why two churches were targeted with grenades and gunfire.
“We are… linked to the Muslims of the whole world by the solid doctrinal and religious connection of Islam, whose message God wanted to be fulfilled by the Seal of the Prophets, i.e., Muhammad”
From the charter of the Hezbollah terrorist group, which has kidnapped, tortured and killed numerous non-Muslims.
"All praise is due to Allah, the strong and mighty, and may blessings and peace be upon the one sent by the sword as a mercy for all the world...chopping off the heads that have been carrying the cross delusion for a long time...They supplicate what they worship and die upon their paganism...We will conquer Rome, by Allah’s permission, the promise of our prophet."
A statement by Islamists as they are beheading 21 Christian laborers on a beach in Libya
“We are in a battle with the liberals and the secularists... I swear by Allah that we can tolerate the killing of all people and wiping all countries off the map but we cannot tolerate a single swear word that could hurt our prophet... Our brave youths will continue their struggle until they impose Sharia"
Mohammad Ali al-Zahawi, the leader of the Libyan arm of Ansar al-Sharia, which has massacred hundreds.
“All we want is the implementation of Sharia.”
A spokesman from Ansar Dine, a group which has been compared to al-Qaeda for its summary execution of civilians and captured soldiers..
“We are going to kill you because you don't want Sharia.”
Ansar Dine in Northern Mali
The Netherlands
"What moved me to do what I did was purely my faith. I was motivated by the law that commands me to cut off the head of anyone who insults Allah and his Prophet."
Mohammed Bouyeri, explaining in court why he stabbed Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh to death. (Bouyeri was holding a Qur'an at the time).
"Thanks to Allah, we carried out two operations against the enemies of Islam in Niger."
Mujao spokesman Abu Walid Sahraoui, following a terror attack.
"For peace to reign in the land, all Christians must convert to Islam. Allah has tasked all Muslims in Quran chapter 9 verse 29 to continue to attack Jews and Christians who refused to believe in him and his messenger, Prophet Mohammed"
Abu Qaqa, explaining why his band massacred nearly one hundred worshippers, including children, in a series of attacks on churches in a single Sunday morning.
"Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in his life time flushed out all idol worshipers and their leaders and all these evils. So, our aim and target is to do so here... Allah commanded us to obey His Holy Quran. Whether one likes it or not, we will follow it... we will get people to believe Allah is one, and Muhammad, His Prophet. They will come to the right way. "
Ustaz Muhammed Yusuf, founder of the Boko Haram terror group that has been known to kidnap and behead Christian pastors who refuse to embrace Islam
“Whomever we kill, we kill because Allah says we should kill and we kill for a reason."
Abubakar Shekau, a cleric and spiritual leader calling for holy war against Christians.
"I enjoy killing anyone that Allah commands me to kill the way I enjoy killing chickens and rams"
A Boko Haram spokesman explaining his group's declared war on Nigerian Christians.
"Today Almighty Allah has given us victory against Christian Churches in Kaduna and Zaria which led to the deaths of many Christians... "
A Boko Haram spokesman who went on to quote the Quran to explain why the group bombed churches, killing many Christians, including children.
"As for killing, we will kill because Allah says we should decapitate, we should amputate limbs, we should mutilate which led to the deaths of many Christians"
Abubakar Shekau the leader of the Boko Haram sect .
"We are warriors who are carrying out Jihad (religious war) and our struggle is based on the traditions of the holy prophet. We will never accept any system of government apart from the one stipulated by Islam because that is the only way that the Muslims can be liberated. We do not believe in any system of government, be it traditional or orthodox, except the Islamic system which is why we will keep on fighting against democracy, capitalism, socialism and whatever.
"We will not allow the Nigerian Constitution to replace the laws that have been enshrined in the Holy Qur’an, we will not allow adulterated conventional education (Boko) to replace Islamic teachings. We will not respect the Nigerian government because it is illegal. We will continue to fight its military and the police because they are not protecting Islam. We do not believe in the Nigerian judicial system and we will fight anyone who assists the government in perpetrating illegalities."
Boko Haram 'Statement of Principles' 2011
"[Pakistan] will be turned into a citadel of Islam and secularism will be purged... only Islam guarantees human rights and peace."
The Tehrik-e-Taliban in a statement claiming responsibility for a brutal series of bomb attacks on Shiite pilgrims and mosques in which children were killed
"With regard to Osama and Al-Zawahiri, I never met them, but I have the utmost love and respect for them, because of their enmity towards the Jews and the Christians. The Muslims must be harsh towards the infidels and compassionate among themselves. These two men reflect this Koranic verse... We place our trust in Allah. Soon, we will witness the miracles of Jihad."
By'atullah Mahsoud, Emir of the Pakistani Taliban
"Our whole struggle is for the enforcement of Sharia law"
Muslim Khan, Spokesperson for the Pakistani Taliban, responsible for hundreds of bombings, shootings and abductions.
The Philippines
“We may be small in number, but we have plenty fighting with us--the angels and the hand of Allah. We dream of an entire Islamic world, and we will achieve it. Allah is with us."
Abu Sayyaf terrorist group leader, Khadaffy Janjalani, responsible for church bombings and beheadings.
"I have come here only to make Allah pleased with me, to earn heaven. Why should we follow those Christian commandments, when Allah, may he be glorified, urges us to fight those kafirs? Why shouldn’t we leave their children orphan?"
Pavel Pechyonkin, a suicide bomber who ended the lives of 17 innocents at a bus stop
Saudi Arabia
"One of the greatest virtues in Islam is jihad for the sake of God. Ramadan is the month of jihad and battles, and most Muslim battles took place during the blessed month. This is your season, o people of jihad. Jihad during the fasting month of Ramadan has a great taste -- for what better way to break your fast than to kill infidels and relish the sound of the weeping of the despicable tyrants and infidels."
Saudi-based terrorist magazine, al-Jihad
"And your brothers of the Mujahideen Movement are on their way, going forth in Jihad against the occupiers and disbelievers so that the word of Allah is the highest and there is no more fitnah on earth and the religion is solely for Allah."
Deadly Somali terrorist group calling itself, Youth Islamic Movement
"Know that I am doing this martyrdom operation only for the sake of Allah and for his religion."
A 21-year-old member of al-Shabaab and former British college student who murdered 20 Africans.
South Africa
"Verily Allah has purchased the lives of the believers that theirs shall be paradise. They fight in Allahs cause, so they kill and are killed... it will NEVER be over until the day that we see our lands governed by He Allah the almighty, whose law is complete."
Samantha Lewthwaite, the so-called 'white widow', in a poem discovered shortly after the Westgate mall massacre.
"Allah, may he be praised, said… ‘Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for internal strife [Fitna] is worse than killing.’"
The Qur’anic verse quoted by the Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades in explaining the murder of 202 Madrid train commuters
"To Fight and Conquer. Death in the name of Allah."
The unit logo of the Janjaweed militia, responsible for “cleansing” Darfur of African people along with the rape of thousands of women.
"Long live the Mujahideen"
Sudanese President, Omar al-Bahir, at a meeting of Janjaweed fighters.
“Jihad is a duty.”
The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Sudan
"Instead of putting on a T-shirt and going to the most hated place for Allah, just to stand there and do dawah [missionize] you should go there with a bomb instead. Download Inspire Magazine, start making bombs from simple stuff . Now is the time to show who the earth belongs to!"
Mikael Skramo, a convert to Islam who openly advocates killing 'kafir'
“Our hero [the suicide bomber] believed in Allah and died while fighting for Allah”
Islamic Jihad leader, Abu Ayman
"We are fighting to apply what Allah said to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We are fighting so people don’t look to other people but only to Allah. We don’t believe in complete freedom: it is restricted by Allah’s laws."
A member of al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda affiliated group responsible for hundreds of terror attacks
"Being Muslims, we do not believe in political parties or parliamentary elections, but rather in an Islamic regime... Our heading towards the establishment of Islamic law (Sharia) is jihad in Allah's way."
A spokesperson for al-Nusra, explaining what motivates the car bombings, suicide attacks and execution of hostages
"The Mujahideen, fighting in our ranks, have firm faith, they do not fight for power or positions in the society, they only want to make supreme the world of Allah... we abandoned this world, and, Allah willing, strive for the appeasement of Allah”
Mujahideen of Tajik, the country's bloodiest terror group.
"The Islamic warriors of Pattani announce the purpose that we will never stop killing the Siamese kafir (infidel) and will never stop destroying army weapons, the economy, politics, education and the Siamese kafir society until we regain the land of Pattani and establish the state of Pattani Dar al-lslam”
Leaflets distributed by separatists to intimidate the local Buddhist population.
“….Martyrs, how glorious we will be if we fall as warriors of our land. When Martyrs are killed, they are not dead but alive next to Allah. They will watch and listen to every piece of news to see if their children will follow in their footsteps….”
Berjihad di Pattani, “calls for a holy war to liberate Pattani from ‘colonists’. It is liberal in employing metaphoric references and verses from the Quran. ...a significant and clear articulation of the radical religious dimension of the conflict in south Thailand used within the context of Malay-Muslim resentment of the central government. It engages in Takdir (the labeling of fellow Muslims as infidels) and makes direct calls for Martyrs to attack fellow Muslims perceived to be collaborating with the “occupation”, or the Jahili (people of the ignorance). It views the practice of religious obligations of these “hypocrite” Muslims as a disguise hiding hearts filled with fury and hatred against Islam…”
“The Koran says: ‘Fight them until evil disappears and all religion becomes Allah's [religion].' The suicide activists who blow themselves up are carrying out the Koran's commandment.’"
Ali Osman Zor, Great East Islamic Raiders Front terrorist organization
"We are following Allah’s word. We believe that humanity’s only duty is to honor Allah and his prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. We are implementing what is written in the Koran... It is every Muslim’s duty to fight those of a different belief until only Allah is worshipped around the world."
Abu Sattar, Islamic State recruiter in Turkey
United Kingdom
“Our religion is Islam - obedience to the one true God, Allah, and following the footsteps of the final prophet and messenger Muhammad... This is how our ethical stances are dictated. “
Mohammad Sidique Khan, London subway bomber, explaining his motives on a pre-recorded video tape.
"Know that, I did what I did for the pleasure of Allah alone."
From the will of Bilal Abdulla, a Glasgow suicide bomber.
"We are doing this in order to gain the pleasure of our Lord and Allah loves us to die and kill in his path. Anyone who tries to deny this, then read the Koran and you will not be able to deny this because this is the words in the Koran and the words of our the messenger of Allah, prayers and peace upon him."
"We love to die in the path of Allah... On top of this is to punish and to humiliate the Kuffar [non-believer]"
"Thank God Allah accepted my duas [prayers] yeah, and provided me a means to do this."
From the farewell videos of those convicted in the plot to kill thousands of airline passengers over the Atlantic in 2006.
"O enemies of Allah, we have heard and seen you openly insulting the final Messenger of Allah. You should know that for every action there is a reaction. Today is a day of retaliation (especially) for your blasphemy of Allah and his messenger Muhammad. We love death more than you love life."
Letter of explanation from six Muslim devotees who admitted to plotting a bomb attack on critics of Islam at an EDL rally.
"We are forced by the Quran, in Sura at-Tawba, through many ayah in the Quran athat that say we must fight them... Allah's peace and blessings be upon you."
Convert Michael Adebolajo, explaining himself on video right after hacking an off-duty soldier to death on a London street while shouting praises to Allah. In court, he told a judge, "I did it for God."
United States
"We ask Allah to make us follow their path [Muhammad's companions]. To give us a complete understanding of the message of Islam, and the strength the live by this knowledge, and to know what role we need to play to establish Islam in the world."
Final posting from Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, the Americanized Kuwaiti immigrant who shot four US Marines to death in Chattanooga, TN
”The Mujahedeen are proud to kill in the name of God and this is exactly what God told us to do in the Quran."
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the "underwear bomber" who tried to down an airplane over Detroit - speaking at his sentencing.
"I did not act out of hatred for Americans, but love for Allah instead. I live only to serve Allah by obeying all of Allah’s commandments, of which I am aware by reading and learning the contents of the Koran.”
Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, explaining (in his words) “reasons for premeditating and attempting to murder citizens and residents of the United States of America.” He also quoted 141 verses from the Qur'an.
"We, Muslims, are content with God's book, the Quran, to fight you with. God has granted us to fight... In God's book, He ordered us to fight you everywhere we find you... We ask to be near to God, we fight you and destroy you and terrorize you. The Jihad in God's cause is a great duty in our religion.”
The "9/11 Shura Council" - 9/11 planners held at Guantanamo Bay - in a March 2009 letter.
"[The United States Government] openly acknowledges that it would hate for the law of Almighty Allah to be the supreme law of the land. Is that a war on Islam? You bet it is."
Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who gunned down thirteen people at Fort Hood, Texas.
"I wasn't insane or post traumatic nor was I forced to do this Act... [it was] justified according to Islamic Laws and the Islamic Religion. Jihad to fight those who wage war on Islam and Muslims."
Abdulhakim Muhammad (formerly Carlos Bledsoe), explaining why he gunned down an unarmed soldier outside a recruiting station in Little Rock, Arkansas.
"The Muslim war will continue until Islam is spread throughout the whole world."
Faisel Shahzad, in his farewell tape, made shortly before the attempt to mass murder hundreds of New Yorkers at Times Square.
"In late 2009, in fulfillment of a religious obligation, I decided to participate in jihad against the United States. The Koran obliges every able Muslim to participate in jihad and fight in the way of Allah, those who fight you, and kill them wherever you find them."
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the "Underwear Bomber", proudly telling a court why he attempted to detonate a plane full of innocents over Detroit.
"The first thing we are calling you to is Islam."
Osama bin Laden, extending the dawah (invitation to Islam) to America prior to Jihad as Muhammad instructed.
"We have declared a jihad to create a religious government in Uzbekistan”
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader, Tahir Yuldeshev
"We will implement the rule of Allah on earth by the tip of the sword."
"We need men who are willing to go all the way and not hold back anything from Allah. The religion of Allah cannot be given victory by part-time service. This is not a weekend religion. The contract is to sell our souls to Allah. The compensation is paradise."
American-born Islamic cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who has inspired multiple bombing and shooting plots in the U.S. and Europe from his base in Yemen.
"Our project is to institute the Sharia of Allah on Earth and reject the man-made laws and constitutions. Nothing will rule the country other than the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of Allah’s Messenger
We will fight the enemy without leniency and not surrender until only Islam rules"
Nasir al Wuhayshi, the leader of Yemen's most feared terrorists
"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful... Praise is to Allah, the glory granter to Islam with His victory and the disgracer of the unbelief with his Might... and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger who said:
'I have been inspired between the hands of the hour until Allah alone is worshiped and my sustenance has been made under the shade of my spear, and disgrace and humiliation has been prescribed for the one who disobeys my command.'"
al-Qaeda al-Jihad in Yemen taking credit for a brutal suicide attack and quoting the words of Muhammad to explain why.
September 11th Attacks
"We killed them outside their land, praise be to Allah. Today, we kill them in the midst of their own home.
O Allah, revive an entire nation by our deaths. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr. O Allah, I sacrifice myself for your sake, accept me as a martyr.
To the Garden of Eden, our first house. We shall meet in the eternal Paradise with the prophets, honest people, martyrs and righteous people. They are the best of companions. Praise be to Allah. Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. "
Ahmad al-Haznawi, Flight 93 Hijacker
"Those 19 brothers who left us made efforts and offered their lives for the cause of Allah. Allah has favored them with this conquest, which we are enjoying now"
Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's Number Two, explaining the motives for the plot.
"I heard someone on Islamic radio who owns a school in America say: 'We don't have time to keep up with the demands of those who are asking about Islamic books to learn about Islam.' This event made people think about true Islam, which benefited Islam greatly."
Osama bin Laden, bragging of the 9/11 attacks during a video-taped November, 2001 meeting.
"Be cheerful, for you have only moments between you and your eternity, after which a happy and satisfying life begins...
"Remember: it is a raid for the sake of Allah. Recite the prayer. As you take the seat, recite the prayer. Mention Allah a lot. When the hijacking begins, "Shout Allah is great because this shout strikes terrors in the hearts of the infidels
"And the moment of death should be accompanied by the basic statement of belief recited by all Muslims at the call to prayer. Seconds before the target, your last words should be, 'there is no god but Allah. Mohammed is his messenger!."
Written instructions to the hijackers.
"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
Last words from the cockpit of Flight 93.
ReligionofPeace.com Home Page - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- 9/14/15 11:42 pm
- https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBritai
nFirst/videos/643065442505387/ LUTON UK Muslims protest against bombers wifes arrest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVWAIKoatWM Islam effect on Germany
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2&v=BLQ5Dilorjo Jews against us "quotes"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ-QX8LuKHA Islam compilation "Muslims real face"
The Qur’an explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to “kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” (e.g., 2:191, 9:5), “strike off their heads” (e.g., 8:12, 47:4), make sex slaves of their wives and daughters (e.g., 4:24, 33:50), and continue this jihad “until all opposition ends and all submit to ‘Allah’” (e.g., 8:39, 9:29).
https://www.facebook.com/cbnnews/videos/10156087706550393/ Nun defending Christians tell her truth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIr-YyQBOAo&feature=share infowars Muslims in EU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RaKpf4Mhg4&feature=share No-go areas for non muslims in England
http://woundedamericanwarrior.com/migrant-crisis-the-footage-the-media-refuses-t o-show-video/ Migrant crisis, refused on media
https://www.facebook.com/BrianKolfage/photos/a.440145602714229.101918.440106476 051475/990292781032839/?type=1 spot the difference refugee photo
https://www.facebook.com/antony.key.56/posts/742128222579541 Hungary poo in the bus
http://www.dover-express.co.uk/Cost-homes-young-asylum-seekers-double/story-277 64590-detail/story.html#FzrDTjDFIlpCTUIp.0 1 asyluum seekers child expenses UK Dover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP6U6Hhy_2M&feature=share Disturbing Muslim area London
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCq2HgNk7Zs honour killings
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6U2nrRJ4HU&feature=share Child 8 forced to marry, raped by husband while his mother holds her
https://www.facebook.com/uwe.schlinkert/videos/956245237768538/ How many Muslims fit in a van?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s&feature=share Brigitte Gabriel - amazing response to Muslim woman.
http://campaigns.bnp.org.uk/s/1/bbqi/Dp0u3Hq/lsrzp Unbelievable! UK York children being forced to learn Islam by their Muslim teacher.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcRIuiYtqaY&feature=share Paul Weston = racist! perfect video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl641IFO10g&feature=share EX muslim speaks out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFe8kj70ac&feature=share muslim violence in Australia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnE3cFEehxg&feature=share germans evict people to house refugees
https://www.facebook.com/inthenowrt/videos/524724827677891/ Wich one is peaceful and wich one is ISIS soldier?
https://www.facebook.com/inthenowrt/videos/524724827677891/ Undercover in refugee camps
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/604171/migrant-crisis-asylum-seekers-Brit ain-EU-Jean-Claude-Juncker-Nigel-Farage-U KIP how much will refugee relocation cost to UK? 90mil!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3225968/NZ-leader-Winston-Peters-s aid-male-refugees-return-Syria.html?ito=s ocial-facebook Male refugees - go home and fight!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyTpAM8svjw Farage: we must be mad to allow jihadists in UK
https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71/videos/10153650320321171/?pnref=s tory InfoWars worth watching! Migrant crisis
http://www.examiner.com/article/as-muslim-population-grows-what-can-happen-to-a-s ociety As muslim population grows! What will happen to society? Worth checking out!
http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/09/08/60-muslim-men-raped-one-12-year-o ld-schoolgirl-but-only-six-have-been-jai led-so-far/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social Muslims rape 12y.o, sentenced only 5 from 60!
http://hungarytoday.hu/news/immigration-europe-signing-death-sentence-cele brity-hungarian-security-policy-expert-w arns-94812 EU death sentence - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Traki trakumi
- 4/22/15 05:01 pm
- Vecā Akmeņiete uzradusies ar savu īdēšanu par seksa trūkumu, par kaisles pazušanu, acis izraudājuse šodien, pinkšķe tāda, vecā Akmeņiete.
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Pietrūkst maza gabaliņa tevis...
- 4/22/15 02:59 pm
- tik tava elpa karstā,
tik tavas acis mīlošās,
tik tavs ķermenis tvīkstošs kaislē
tik tavi vārdi maigie
tik Tu, tik Tu man pietrūksti.. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Ciba, mans to do lists!
- 8/5/14 09:14 pm
- Cik gan labi, ka ir šāda vieta!
1. Pabeigt testamentu
2. Izdrukāt visu nepieciešamo dēlam, lai viņš kad izaug, redz cik ļoti es viņu mīlu!
3. Sarakstīt paroļu un saitu sarakstu, lai dēls var ienākt un palasīt mani, kādudien...
4. Nopirkt 100 viskapitālākās dzimšanas dienas kartiņas un uz katras sarakstīt ko ļoti īpašu dēlam - līdz pat viņa 106 gadu jubilejai :)
5. Izmest visu nevajadzīgo, VISU es teicu.
6. Lūgt pēc brīnuma
7. Izveidot plānu
8. Uzrakstīt manas vēlmes dēla audzināšanai
9. Ticību, mazliet ticību. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Šodiena
- 8/5/14 09:08 pm
- Skumji. Reizēm šķiet, ka viss beidzas skaļi - tā, ar cilvēcīgu emociju švunku un pilnu sirdi emocijām, bet nē... Citreiz viss iznāk klusi, kā nemanot, kā kaut kā nekā...
5 dienas līdz gadadienai un viss beidzas, klusi, nemanot. Vienkārši vēl nav "pielecis", cik drausmīgi tas patiesībā ir un cik grūti būs vēlāk.
Viena iznīcināta micro SD un MELI - iznākums - skumjš iznākums. Nav pat smieklīgs. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Psssssst.
- 10/14/13 11:50 pm
- Labs darbs, kas padarīts, laba diena, kas pavadīta.
Pagājušo nakt, redzēju satriecošu sapni... Tiešā veidā satriecošu - noslēpumainu, eksotisku, mulsinošu, kaislīgu un protams ar labu devu adrenalīna.
Gribētos šo sapni paturēt atmiņā mūžam un ja neskaita pierādījumu meklēšanu tumsā, istabā, kurā slēpjas ļoti indīga čūska, vai pat vairākas, skapī, zem skapja un virs - bāzt roku un taustīties pēc pavedieniem, zinot, kādas sekas tam var būt...
Un man patīk būt tai, kas klusēdama aiziet - lai skatiens izsaka visu. Un to vīrieti - lūdzu atsūtiet man uz dzīvi.
agrāk domāju, ka erotikas piesātinātos sapņus redz jaunībā, kad hormoni trako utt.,bet tagad pārliecinos, ka tie ir vidusdzīvē, varbūt tāpēc, ka jaunībā neatnāca.
Diemžēl pēc kārtejā supersapņa, negribu, nevaru pamosties un atgūties.
Labunakti. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- ...
- 10/8/13 10:49 am
- Ak JĀ, jāmin mana vakardienas veiksmes diena! Pēc 3. oktobra dēla kritiena skolā, kas vainagojās ar šausmīgu asiņošanu un divām šuvēm uz pārsistās pieres, negulētajām, drausmīgo domu naktīm, pārrunas ar direktori beidzot vainagojās ar uzvaru, viņa piekrita, ka dēls nav drošībā, kamēr atrodas uz playground un tika noņemts no playground uz laiku līdz ziemassvētkiem. Sirds mierīga, vismaz uz kādu brīdi.. Kā uzvaras balvu sev, nopirku pasaulē skaistāko ričukiņu ar karalisku nosaukumu - Etienne, braucu uz Cambridge, lai šo skaistumu iegūtu sev un patlaban ik pa laikam čāpoju uz garažu, lai apskatītu vai manai pirmajai lēdijai labi klājas. Caurbraucot Ely, acis izbaudīja Ely milzīgās katedrāles ik tornīti, ik katru dekorāciju, satriecoša ēka!
Viss, eju gulēt! - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Magic is not here.
- 10/8/13 10:43 am
- Man nepatīk skabargas. Bet kārtējā ir iedūrusies man smadzenēs un šitā ir ar atskabargu.Reiz smēju par azabočennajiem cilvēciņiem, bet tagad kārtējo reiz saprotu, ka ja man kāds dotu ēst, es ēstu kaut no rokas.Tātad azabočennaja... Ai mīļā, Karma, cik ļoti tavi spērieni sāp.
- Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Gary Moore - Always gonna love you
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Bērniem - bērnību!
- 9/20/13 09:47 am
- Čav cibuce, klibuce :) Iesāku skatīties super dokumentālo seriālu "To catch a predator" NBC veidoto filmu, kurā inscinē pedofīliem labvēlīgu situāciju internetā un pēcāk aizvilina pie šķietami nepilngadīgas meitenes, lai tiešsaistē intervētu un pēcāk arestētu child molesters. Gudrie prāti - lūdzu izveidojiet ko šādu arī pedofīlu superzemē - Latvijā, lai tauta zin savus varoņus!
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- ...
- 9/12/13 08:22 pm
- Beidzot nopirku kušķi ar zaļrozdzelteni oranžajām līmlapiņām, bet aptrūcies instrukciju, ko uz tām rakstīt. Brīnumi, jo pirms, tieši pirms nedēļas, es atradu neticami daudz ko uzskricelēt uz parstām baltām lapiņām, kuras mētājas apkārt datoram, bet tik labi mētājas, ka es zinu kura tieši un kad man vajadzīga. Līdz ar līmlapiņām pazuda mani labie, lielie plāni. Ak jā, jāuzraksta, ka BEIDZOT jāiztērē visi kuponi, to termiņš beigsies 22.09, tātad laika atlikt vairs nav. Paldies par uzmanību. Lūdzu.
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- ...
- 8/26/13 08:22 pm
- Arī vakarā nekādi varoņdarbi nespīd, pa logu ieraudzīju grandiozu dūmu mākoni, saucu - braucam, tur kaut kas deg, brauciena laikā jau iztēlojos, kā glābju no degošas mājas cilvēkus, kaķīti, da kaut vienu lupatu iznest... Bet nē. Nebija lemts. Dega milzīgs riepu kalns. Paši pajokoja, ka varētu es kādu labu riepu izglābt, es atteicos, kas gan tas par varoņdarbu.
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Pie prāta nāciet!
- 8/26/13 07:30 pm
- Un jā, arī šodien atļaušos vienu rasistisku un PUBLISKU ierakstu ar aicinājumu, dzēst VISUS musulmaņu kontus no latviešu portāliem un aicināt sievietes, izvairīties no bērnu ražošanas musulmaņu ģimenēm.
Bēdziet ko kājas nes no tiem MONSTRIEM, kas ir potenciālie pasaules "izsvēpētāji" ar saviem teroristiskajiem grupējumiem, rasistisko, diskriminējošo reliģiju un daudzsievību.
Ar viņiem nav un nebūs "ilgi un laimīgi". - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Šausmīgā šodiena.
- 8/26/13 07:14 pm
- Vakardienas skumjumi nekur nav izgaisuši, māšele aizbrauca mājās un neticams klusums un ignorance ir iestājies manā pilī.
Šodien nemaz nebija labāk. Rīts iesākās slikti, iedziļinoties Sīrijas tā dēvētajā "konfliktā", nācās paskaidrot mazāk zinošajiem, kas, kāpēc un ar ko, un kādas tam visam sekas ir, un būs. Iedziļinoties tajā visā, kas notiek, iespaidojos no negatīvajām sajūtām tik ļoti, ka nespēju "atiet" visas dienas garumā.
Kaitina raksti ar vārdiem "iespējams", vietās, kur jābūt noteiktumam, jo tas ir pierādīts!!!!
Ir bildes, video, ārstu viedokļi ar apstiprinājumu, ka TIKA izmantoti ķīmiskie ieroči, bet medijos vēl figurē vārds "iespējams". Tfu.
Un tad vēl mans tiesības jaunieguvušais šoferis, kurš brauc tā, ka man, nevisai ticīgajai, regulāri jāiebļaujas "Ak Dievs", un vienu reizi pieķēru sevi pie krusta mešanas!
Absolūtas šausmas! - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Peņu paranoiķiem jauns mierinājums.
- 8/21/13 12:11 pm
- It doesn't take alot of dynamite to create a explosion, does it?
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Pī'borough
- 8/20/13 11:48 pm
- Šodien visāda draņķa pārtika - hotdogs, Costa burkānu kūka, dzērieni - ielas riteņburgera novietnes kafija, Costas superkapučīno -
visi šie draņķi man vēderā vēl maļas, nitrītsāls un amonijā mērcētā gaļa,
kas pēc tam pārtapa par manu "frankfunezinkurienes" desiņu manā hotdogā, man ir gana, lai apsvērtu iespēju par pirmsnakts atvemšanu.
Brīnumaini, Latvijā kafejnīcā, nereti glāzi ūdens izsniegt atteicās, bet šeit gan neskopojas ar glāzi ūdentiņa un pat karsto ūdeni pielej, ja vēlas siltāku - patīkami :) - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Ko lai apēd naksniņās?
- 8/20/13 10:29 pm
- Šodiena pavadīta godam, baloži baroti, bērns izvizināts ar augšup lejup karuseļmašīnām,
māsai jaunas bildes atmiņām, man beidzot absolūta bezstresa diena, Arčikam pārējā atbildība.
Kaut nu šādu dienu būtu vairāk!
Un gribas kaut ko vēl, man nav gana.
Un apmaldījāmies mēs šodien TIKAI trīs reizes, tas labi iesākumam :) - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Pusē viens
- 8/20/13 12:33 am
- bet es vēl nomodā! Rīt to rūgti, rūgti nožēlošu...
A varbūt dušā vēl ieiet.
Bet varbūt sarīties uz nakti rūgto, briesmīgo šokolādi.
Fui, kāda es neizlēmīga! - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- ...
- 8/20/13 12:15 am
- Vakardien jau gribēju pažēloties par savu slinkumu... Tikai 50 presītes! Un šodien pat ne vienu nepaspēju, nožēlojami, lieku sevi kaktā un kauninu par to.
Kaimiņam tie supertraktorīšu zālespļāvēji - 13zs, četri gabali! Nu labi...
Trīs, jo viens tiks pie manis vests taisīšanai, šodien trīs stundas galvu lauzīju, kas kleperītim noticis, ka 15 sekundes darbojas, tad noslāpst - karbiņš iztīrīts, svece nomainīta, magnēts nospodrināts, "tīrs" bendžuks ar izmēģināts, dzirksteles ir visur, kur jābūt, kompresija laba, bet tāds niķis...
Ehh, vienalga, ka tik dabūs pie sevis to zvēriņu, sataisīs, būs ar ko pabraukāt :))
Aizņemtības dēļ diži daudz skumt nav nācies, par to liels prieks.
Un šodien, un šodien tik daudz labas lietas paveiktas, turklāt beidzot iepazinos ar Teriju un viņa ir jauka!
Bet kas tas pa motoru ir ielikts manā dēlā, nav ne jausmas, iet viņš kā supercharged visu laiku, nomoca pat profesionālo aitu suni, par cilvēkveidīgajiem nerunāsim!
Pasūdzējos Angļiem, ka neviens mani precēt negrib, viņi tik smej. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Dirty Diana
- 8/16/13 04:49 pm
- Lēnām ataust gaismiņa.
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Kaktuss.
- 8/16/13 03:12 pm
- Lasu alcoholic domu pagrabu un domāju. Visu dzīvi nav dzerts, varbūt tāpēc tādā pēcpusē viss. Daudz par daudz domāts. Dzert nesākšu, bail man no galvas reiboņiem vairāk par bailēm no jebkā cita. Tūtā.
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- She said
- 8/16/13 12:46 pm
- I want perfect body, I want perfect soul... You so wery special, I wish I was special, but.
Varbūt vajadzētu steigšus lekt midziņā, ietīties spilvenos un raudāt kā agrāk, kā bērnībā. Varbūt skriet un skriet labi tālu un nekur neaizskriet. Varbūt turpināt izdomāt kāpēc gan tā ir sanācis, ka sirds uz pusēm raujas. Time will ease the pain for me someday. Jo visu es pati izdomājusi esmu. Paši ar sevi man attiecības veiksmīgas un nelaimīgas. You can leave, but never walk away. Kam gan es piederu, kam vēlos piederēt un kad atkal es sapratīšu, ka no sevis neaizbēgt. Nespēja mīlēt, tikai piesavināties dievināšanas nolūkos un tad noraudzīties kā viss izdomātais, piesavinātais aiziet bez manis un dzīvo tālāk. Likumsakarīgi, domāju, ka varētu no šī visa izvairīties, ja spētu vienā rūtiņā iedabūt kaut kādu mīlestības, pieķeršanās un atbildības formu ar MĪLĒŠANOS. Man neder zaudēt galvu mīlēšanās prieku dēļ, ja viss pārējais man vajadzīgais, tam neseko. Un ko nu darīt. KO DARĪT, es prasu. Un šobrīd bail man no dienas, kad viss saliksies vienā rūtiņā, jo es zinu, ka tas nebūs ar to, ar kuru tam vajadzētu būt, nebūs ar to, ar kuru es gribētu tā būt.
Un (nekad) es sapņoju par to, ka uzlikšu masku un iziešu ielās, nevienam tas nerūpēs, bet man nozīmēs visu, jo es iešu saņemt visu un dot neko un pēc tam šņukstēšu pie durvīm pēc apžēlošanas. Tipiski.
Un joprojām, neskatoties uz savu apzinīgo vecumu, kategoriskums, kas sabojājis man labu devu dzīves dzērienu, es ķeru sevi pie domas, ka man riebjas, ka šobrīd cilvēki tik ļoti ātri atsakās no attiecībām, ja tajās, kas neštimmē kopā. Aiziet, aizmirst un tāpat vēl labi daudz reizes, ar katru reizi atstājot "sevi" pie kāda tādu aizmirstu un nevajadzīgu, un kā gan ir labāk.
Gribu tik daudz ko rakstīt, vismaz kādam pateikt... Bet apzinos, ka sakāmais man aizskars kādu un neglaimos. Prāts renderē ainiņu ar skaistu, dievīgi skaitu vīrieti, gariem, blondiem matiem, jūras dzīļu zilām acīm un mani, ar prastu, daudzreiz lietotu āmuri, aiz muguras atvēzējoties... Tā es nedarīšu. Savus monstrus es radu pati. -
Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Broken Tonight
Oma: Million pills - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Maria Magdalena
- 8/15/13 06:50 pm
- Anglija. Vieta, kur reklāmās visbiežāk izmanto vidēja vai vecāka gada gājuma cilvēku fotoattēlus. Man tas patīk. Nevis nosmiņķētās TESCO pārdevēju sejeles, bet tantukus neglītās formās ar zelta zobiem un dīvainu smaidu. Patīk. Anglijas vidējā vecuma sievietes, biklas, sarkstošas, ar vasaras raibumiņiem klāts deguntelis un tikko jaušams zods. Patīk. Un es jau tik par countryside meitenēm, pilsētas fīfas ir un paliek pelēkā masa, nē, mākslīgā skaistuma pelēkā masa un viss tas cits, ko es nepazīstu un nepārzinu. Patīk tantuki elektriskajos dampīšos. Patīk smaidīgie un laipnie policisti parkos. Patīk.
Nepatīk. Anglijā nav mīlēšanās, man nav. Randiņi. Izvirtības. Kaisle. Un kāpēc nav. -
Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Never Cry Again
Oma: Ilgas un izmisums - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Sitra Ahra
- 8/15/13 05:45 pm
- Therion. Goosebumps.
Atkal un atkal pārbaudu savu slēpto kaislību un skeletaino epastu. Nekā. Joprojām. Vakar naktī atmiņās pārlapoju savu uzvaru un zaudējumu sarakstu. Es zaudēju.
Ja vien viņš zinātu manas tumšās domas, manas bailes absurdās, nevajag mani mērdēt badā, nevajag. Kļūst vieglāk iemigt, kad nojaušu, ka mans prāts atkal mani ieaijās orgasmu un kaisles pilnos sapņos, kad TU skaties manās acīs un es klusībā TEV apsolu visu, VISU. Beidzot es zinu kā tas ir, sapņot par kādu, tik žēl, ka atkal jāmostas... Aizveru acis, uzlieku spilvenu uz galvas un lūdzos, lūdzos pēc vēl un vēl tuvības. Un sapņi beidzas tiklīdz, tiklīdz būs vēl labāk, vēl augstāk - tipiski.
Show must go on.
Vai zinājāt, ka Fredijs Merkūrijs atteicās ierakstīt ar Maiklu Džeksonu kārtējo, iespējams, superhītu - There Must Be More To Life, tāpēc, ka studijā uzturējās Maikla mājdzīvnieks - lama? Tā lūk, ne tikai manī, lamas izraisa baiļu sajūtu, viņu spļaudīšanās tieksmju dēļ. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Atskurbtuve
- 8/15/13 04:06 pm
- Lai nesāktu ar lamām, sirdi žņaudzošiem skumju stāstiem, gaužām sievietes asarām, teikšu, ka šodien sirds pukst straujāk...
Skatos, ka cilvēki aizvien uzcītīgi raksta savu klabīti un sapīkstu par savu slinkumu, bez talantību un absolūtu iedvesmas trūkumu.
Bet tā sirds... Klikšķinu taustiņus un jūtos kā senāk, kad manī vēl kvēla uguns dega, kad sejā smaids un acīs kaisles liesmiņas. Nosūtīju epastu savam bezmatērijas ideālajam, gaidu atbildi un gaidu, ka uzrakstīs, ka skumst un ilgojas, mīl, skumst un ilgojas ļoti, ļoti... Bet tā nebūs.
Tomāti aizmetušies. Te, Anglijā. Ne siltumnīcā. Un zaķi nav nograuzuši neko. Diemžēl aizmirsies un sajucis, cik tad galu galā, pasaulē to brīnumu, bet šis varētu būt nākošais. Droši vien šonakt nograuzīs.
Uz pirkstiem klabinu gredzentiņus un štukoju cik vēl cilvēciskās sajūtas esmu spējīga šobrīd just.
Un man nepatīk, ka ir miris Gary Moore un Maikls un Ēvalds Valters. - Oma: Empty Rooms
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Sveiks zudušais
- 11/10/12 11:01 am
- Pēc ilga laika mokošām dienām, sausām emocionāli, esmu gatava atgūt nokavēto. Viņš atkal ir uzradies, bet tagad ne viens pats. Manas nesavaldāmās iekāres objekti - kurus man nevajag fiziski blakus, bet lai spētu rakstīt, lai būtu kam rakstīt... Mārtiņiem šodien vārda diena - apsveicu savu mīļo ex vīriņu - neaizmirsu, negulēju līdz 12, lai būtu pirmā - man vienmēr gribas būt pirmajai, bet es protu arī zaudēt, lai atkal vinnētu :)
Tā... Jāraksta dēlam viņa jauno veikumu klāsts, lai viņš zin kādudien kādus stiķus sastrādājis :) -
Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Sweetbox - Everythig's gona be alright
Oma: Rosinoša - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- ...
- 10/20/12 12:03 pm
- Domas par nāvi, tās nekad nepazūd, tās paliek tikai blāvākas uz kādu laiku, bet kad atkal sakrāj enerģiju - uzplaukst kā ziedi uz kapa...
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Pieskāriena necienīgā
- 6/2/12 10:40 am
- Naksnīga balss atskaņojas četrās sienās
Pat čuksti šai naktī neglāsta, tāda tā ir
Jau dažus piecus dzīves gadus tikai
Pieskāriena necienīgajai sievietei acis mirdz asarās
Ķermenis mulsi, caurvēja dvesmas mānīts
Jautā - pa īstam tas, vai nē... Atbildes nav
Pieskāriena necienīgā sieviete atbildes nezin
Ķermenis savīst, satrūd un sapūst zemes klēpī
Nebaudījis, apmulsis, šķiet nepelnījis laimē degt
Pieskāriena necienīgās sievietes ķermenis
Tavu melu cienīgs, aizturēts uz nenoteiktu laiku
Līdz savītīs, satrūdēs un sapūs zemes klēpī
Tava glāstu klusuma paturēts un iznīcināts - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Kas i ko..
- 5/14/12 01:43 am
- Vajadzētu tā kā aktīvi plānot un veidot mērķu karti, bet es joprojām šeit tīksminos par citu raito valodiņu...
Atkal viss notiks pēdējā brīdī, labi, ka notiks kā arvien - perfekti, neko nepiemirstot :)
Par pašu labāko visam esmu noķērusi kādu aristokrātisko saaukstēšanos, nabagu draņķīši man nelīp... Eh.
Mīlu sevi - joprojām, kas cits man atliek :) - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Tā kā...
- 5/10/12 12:50 am
- Tā kā esmu nolēmusi saprogrammēt savu zemapziņu atbilstoši pašreizējai vajadzībai, aizdomājos, kā gan būt jaunajai man, ja
mani tuvie atteiksies progresēt līdz ar mani un ar laiku es sapratīšu, ka vēlos ko citu, ko tādu, kas mani papildina, nevis bremzē..
Tāds man šī perioda jautājums... Bet es ticu, ka viss būs labi, pozitīvā programmēšana taču nevarētu nodarīt neko sliktu :)
Nopirku biļetes šodien, rezervēju viesnīcu Latvijā... Cik dīvaini gan - tagad kā viesis un vēl viesnīcā dzīvojošs... Kā gan viss mainījies..
Pačukstēšu, ka NEMAZ, nemaz neilgojos pēc asaru un vientulības bedres, par laimi tik divas dienas manā rīcībā, lai nokārtotu kārtojamo un atpakaļ :)
Ar labunakti... -
Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Metallica - Mama Said
Oma: Miegaina - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- shame, shame, shame...
- 5/10/12 12:36 am
- Tik ilgi biju aizmaldījusies, ka pat parole piemirsusies, kāds kauns - ai ai ai, piedod klabīt, saņemšu spēkus un atjaunošos, jāapkopo visi skricelējumi,
kas radušies šajā laika posmā, kamēr sirojumiem nodevos.
Vēl kauns par to, ka visā savā mūžā es neesmu apēdusi tik daudz saldējumu, cik dzīvojot šeit, pus gada laikā, mans mini peldriņķītis gan jūtas omulīgi,
kad pārkarājas pār bikšu malu, sēžu un ķiķinu par sevi - iztēlojos ko darīšu uz vasaras tuvošanos :D
Bet prombūtne atnesusi arī labu ziņu - kāds tomēr par mani vēl atceras šeit.
Paldies U par mīļo meilu ar skubinājumu nepazust :) -
Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Foma un Kleins - Sniegs
Oma: naksnīga - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- yeeeesssss
- 10/20/11 01:10 pm
- Esmu klāt! Lidojums pārdzīvots, bija vēl briesmīgāk nekā domāju, piezemēšanās laikā gandrīz mugurkaulu galvā ietrieca, bet aplausi pēc piezemēšanās kalpoja kā otrās dzimšanas dienas signāls.
Visu lidojuma laiku tik viena vienīga gaismiņa turēja mani pie samaņas, nesaprotu kā citi var galvu grozīt, lasīt, vai vēl aktīvi paspēt aprunāties ar kaimiņiem, es jutos zaļa - nu kā sick emocija :D
Bet viss ir jauki tagad, esmu savā paradīzē, viss ir savādāk nekā domāju, bet viennozīmīgi skaistāk nekā cerēts :) - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Lielā diena
- 10/18/11 03:04 pm
- Šodien es pārvācos, kaulos sēž panika un bailes no lidojuma, nekas tāds nav pieredzēts, un apkārtējie nemaz nepalīdz,
klusējot uzklausu stāstus par baismīgu piezemēšanos un gaisa bedrēm. Bailes, ka kuņģa saturs izdomās apskatīt lidaparātu...
Vemšanas maisiņi sagatavoti un sastūķētas pilnas kabatas :D
Attā Latvija :) - Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Reamon - Supergirl
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Vienošanās
- 10/6/11 07:09 pm
- Šodien kārtējo reizi izbaudīju bagāta vīrieša uzmanības apliecinājumus - briesmīgi tas ir. Viņi visu uztver kā vienošanos - nekas vairs nav svēts,
pārticība un augstās prasības liek arvien pretenciozāk izvēlēties un iegūt mērķi. Briesmīgi. Neesmu manta, neesmu pakalpojums, ka jāslēdz līgums -
ir lietas, kurām jānāk no sirds un NEKĀ savādāk. Neļaušu pieskarties, neļaušu bučot - neļaušu un nepārdomāšu, kamēr attieksmi nemainīs.
Esmu sieviete, es visu gribu pati sasniegt, nevajag mani pirkt, jo es nepārdodos.
Pretīgā šodiena. -
Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Already gone
Oma: Puļa pierē - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- That's you
- 9/4/11 04:52 pm
- Darken road, people shout, they`re creepy
I`m afraid to live, but stricken to die
"You stole a dream, that once was mine!"
I hear he`s calling from other side
They come closer, pull me down,
Scratch my flesh, burn alive
He`s shout - that`s you, that`s you!
Suddenly bright lights shines in my eyes
Gives hand like cold, cold iron
I think this is a savior, but thats the end
He`s pull me, shake me, bite me
At last cast into the pit - to them
They come closer, pull me down,
Scratch my flesh, burn alive
He`s shouting - that`s you, that`s you!
"You stole a dream, that once was mine!" - Ģeniālais skaņdarbs: Maria Magdalena
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- into deep
- 9/2/11 09:59 pm
- In your cold hands I`am just a tool
In your cold hands I`am safe and cool
Gribētos vienīgi būt - Tev un tevī
Pašlaik, bet rīt vairs nē
Gribu, lai Tu iekod man
Vienreiz, divreiz - spēcīgāk
Dziedi man, dziedini manu egoismu
Un es tevi barošu ar sevi
Tev pietiks - pašlaik
Rīt Tu gribēsi vairāk - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Novēlu sev
- 9/2/11 06:32 pm
- Jā, man ir talants - mani ātri iemīl un pēc tam ir grūti šķirties... Bet kāpēc man pašai tā nav... Atskatoties uz vakardienu - ziedu kalniem, komplimentiem un vecāku asarām, jo pa nieka mēnesi es tik iemīļota, ka nevar šķirties uz mierīgas nots - lūgumi vadībai nelaist mani prom... Cik sirsnīgi, bet kāpēc man tādas sajūtas pret citiem rodas ļoti reti.. Žēl, ka tā, ceru, ka man dzīvi nebūs jāpavada nemīlot, bet esot ļoti, ļoti mīlētai. To es sev novēlu jaunā mācību gada sākumā.
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- vējam, vijole raud līdz
- 9/2/11 03:33 pm
- Viņš bij bagātnieks, es tik vijolnieks...
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- lay beside me
- 8/20/11 07:48 pm
- Nogulies blakus un pastāsti man - kāpēc mēness ar sauli mijas, kāpēc lietus neiesūcas mākoņos, bet pacietīgi rit pār maniem matiem un vaigiem... Kāda ir tava mīļākā tumsa... Kāpēc manā pasaulē dvēseles pazūd... Kāpēc tava elpa sastingst pirms manas miesas... Nogulies blakus un pastāsti man..
- IekantējaPiesit kanti
- 8/8/11 12:16 pm
- Grauj un grauj, bet kad gan celsi
vai tad, kad būsi visu sagrāvis?
Izrauj pamatu no kājām, sēj šaubas
tādi arī tavas rīcības augļi būs
Un nejūti vainu, kas gan skarbāk
tas, ka atsakies, jeb tas, ka nenožēlo?
kādus gan pašžēlošanas ieganstus vēl domāsi?
kad nebūs nekā vairs - ko vainosi?
nedari pāri, lūdzam atkal un atkal
bet vienalga, Tev ir vienalga
Kādu gan mācību dod?
bet vienalga, Tev ir vienalga
drupini akmeni pēc akmeņa
Bet kad gan celsi? sagraut nav māksla. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- The feelings you can't ignore
- 8/5/11 11:17 pm
- Es nevaru Tev palīdzēt, kad Tu krīti
Es negribu Tev palīdzēt, kad Tu aizrijies
Es... Savu tumšo dvēseli nevaru valdīt
Tā, kā ļauns bērns, kā ļaunums, kas dzīvo manī
Grib izlausties, bet drīz tas notiks
Un tad Tu slīksi savās asinīs
Tu ej uz nekurieni, jo tu nāc tuvāk man
Tev būs jāsadeg ugunīs, kas liesmo manī
Iemērkšu rokas tavās asinīs un uz mirkli būšu debesīs
Tev jāizdzīvo dēļ manis, Tu to gribi
Bez tevis es nevaru un negribu, bez tevis es pārāk laba esmu - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- Tumsā
- 8/1/11 11:52 pm
- Reizēm tik klusi pukst sirds, ka jāuzliek roka uz pulsa, lai zinātu, vai dzīva vēl...
Reizēm tik skumji kļūst, it kā visas pasaules sēras apvienotos vienā lielā...
Reizēm gribas kliegt, skriet prom un krītot zemē raudāt tik skaļi, lai visi dzird...
Reizēm bail kļūst...
Bet vienmēr man pietrūkst tevis, vienmēr Tu dzīvo manī un vienmēr es ceru
Atliek vien tevi kādreiz atrast, Tu jau zini - dalīta bēda par pusbēdu kļūst. - IekantējaPiesit kanti
- klusuma nīdēja
- 7/31/11 07:43 pm
- Minūti pēc minūtes vientulība rit
Tik ātri... Gadu pēc gada.
Visbeidzot apsēžos uz palodzes
Turot rokās ikdienišķo kafijas krūzi
Apjaušu, ka vientulība negribēta kļūst
Tā izbaudīta pārpārēm, smeldzīga kļuvusi
Vai Tev ir tāpat? - IekantējaPiesit kanti