Jūnijs 29., 2006

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11:40 - The Sufferer and the Witness
Rise Against jaunais albūms ir vienkārši fantastisks. Jau 3.dienu pēc kārtas klausos praktiski neko citu, kā tikai to. Sen neviens mūzikālais ripulis nebija mani tik ļoti saviļņojis un sapriecinājis! :)
Mūzika: Rise Against - Survive

(3 izteiksies Tu arī! | izteiksies?)


[User Picture]
Date:29. Jūnijs 2006 - 11:47
All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so fucking great
All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so great

(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this) Life isn't like this
(Life isn't like this) Life isn't like this
(Life isn't like this) Are we forging on an answer,
or fucking up our...

Life for you, has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive, is what makes us who we are
[User Picture]
Date:30. Jūnijs 2006 - 00:13
apraksts? :D man ar jādaboon. :]
[User Picture]
Date:30. Jūnijs 2006 - 01:18
mož uzrakstīšu. :)
ALvils - The Sufferer and the Witness

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