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Oct. 5th, 2010 | 09:16 pm
skatos video - "smart" americans. tur uzdod jautājumus un visādi cilvēki uz ielas atbild.
- how many world wars have there been? - three [atbild vīrietis gados]
- is movie "star wars" based on a real storry? - yes
- how many Eiffel towers are there in paris - i say about ten
- where was the berlin wall? - [klusums] israel??
- how many world wars have there been? - three [atbild vīrietis gados]
- is movie "star wars" based on a real storry? - yes
- how many Eiffel towers are there in paris - i say about ten
- where was the berlin wall? - [klusums] israel??
(no subject)
from: bear
date: Oct. 5th, 2010 - 10:49 pm
lūk šis te parāda amerikāņu jaunatni. Un runa tur pat nav tik daudz par pasauli, bet tīri tikai par štatiem. Viņam ir daudz šo video. Un ja viņi, piemēram, nezina, ka Kanāda ir viņu kaimiņvalsts, tad nu atvainojiet.