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Mar. 11th, 2010 | 07:09 pm

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Comments {3}

(no subject)

from: [info]kach
date: Mar. 11th, 2010 - 07:28 pm

every girls dream.



(no subject)

from: [info]cinnemon
date: Mar. 11th, 2010 - 07:45 pm

i used to imagine that i’m heartless and i just don’t care, but later i realized that my heart is becoming bigger than ever before, fulfilling my brain and body with awful pain.
aaand…it’s not worth it. it’s only a mask, which is killing yourself inside.

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(no subject)

from: [info]alisio
date: Mar. 11th, 2010 - 09:13 pm

well, i kinda agree with u, but i would like to be that kind a girl atleast for a while..

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