
31. Mar 2010


A hawk almost lost its' fish flying over the road.

(1 raksta | ir doma)


Tossed the coin after bridge tunel bridge tunel bridge and are taking route 60 west to Newport News. Sunny and warm.

(ir doma)


Can not toss coin, still heading south to Norfolk VA. Saw couple of ponies and were a bit sad that we did not have the right car for a ride in the dunes.

(ir doma)


After a hot tub and shallow pool, good night sleep and hearty breakfast we are ready to hit the road at 10:06. Guess what it is sunny!!! Heading towards Ocean City boardwalk and Assateque island wild ponies.

(1 raksta | ir doma)

30. Mar 2010


18:08 Marta thinks thumbstones look like sheep ;) 176 miles done and it still is raining ... Another 160 miles to the sun ...

(ir doma)


Next step on route 1 south. I am hoping to escape the loud rain soon

(ir doma)


First toss... Tails at 14:41 means we are headed south for the next hundred miles!!! Too bad it's raining and is all wet and white from the rain and clouds.. Nothing to really see! 8(

(ir doma)


Started the coin-toss trip at 14:10 heading towards the garden state parkway via the verrazano narrows bridge. The first toss will be for North or South

(ir doma)

17. Dec 2009

23:37 - a car towed and a dead mouse in the kitchen

did not risk going out for a drink after this ... my carma would not have stayed home.

in nyc they manage to tow the car in 18 minutes (car spotted at 5:57 and towed 6:15). (108$ +17$ taxi = rather expensive parking for one x-mas gift purchase).

and 15$ for rear break light to be changed (again did not want to try my luck today anymore).

and it takes three days to catch the mouse (at the end on an empty mouse trap (in the beginning there was peanutbutter and ham) - the very old school one).

and i am lucky to have such good neighbours to come and help me get rid of the dead body .... eahhh.

and two episodes of gossip girl.

I am ready for bed and am thinking that I should cancel my date tomorrow ... am not ready to date ... or I just want to chicken out ...

(ir doma)

13. Nov 2009

00:51 - no subject

He went to Santa Monica today
and on his way he called me
for the first time he called me.
I am looking at the picture from
his palm free phone of the palm treed
the sun is so bright it looks like at night
(you understand, right)
for the first time he called
for the first time he called
in six years.

(ir doma)


what did I want in return from last night
a smile on his face as he left
the peaceful smile I believed he needed

I cooked pork
and he was Muslim
I added oil to tomatoes
and forgot vinegar

we sat on the red coaches
and finshed the last bottle
of white wine from Lorel Lakes

I wanted to have peace and
give peace I thought
he needed

I did not need anything else
just a peaceful smile on his face
as he left.

(ir doma)

00:44 - the key to my heart

the key to my heart
is in tears
my breast
the salty tears
do not let
the key
to my heart

(ir doma)

24. Okt 2009

22:38 - whatever works (2009)

eternal joy ;)

Woody Allen as always

Garastāvoklis:: ehhh
(ir doma)

18:57 - x-mas izmeeginaajums, kameer visi tikai par kirbjiem un kirbjiem ...

pie pickle guy ieraudziiju skaabos kaapostus un teicu, lai dod lielaako no vina mazajiem toverishiem. Vinsh uz mani taa paskatiijaas un nojautaaja, vai es tieshaam shito eediishot (uz ko es vinam atbildeeju, ka vinsh tachu 'shito' tirgo paartikas sadalaa ;) ). iedzeeru karsto aabolu sulu pastaigaaju veel pa mazo amish tirdzinu un devos maajaas iemeeginaat roku shtoveeto kaapostu taisiishanaa. Mamma veiksmiigi bija jau no skaipa aiztinusies taa kaa viss bija tiira improvizaacija, liidziigi kaa ar briseles kaapostiem un ribinaam.

jaaatziist sanaaca ljot garshiigi - tikai x-mas dienaa gan shito nevar taisiit,jo tad veel tik daudz ko citu ir jaapaspeej uztaisiit (piem. mazie pinkeriigiie, bet bezgala garshiigie piiraadzini) un maaja arii visa ... nu peec kaapostiem skaabiem (vareetu kaapostus taisiit manaa maajaa un svineet pie maasas un tur cept piiraagus un piparkuukas). Un vispaar shis bija atbildes gaajiens tiem kaiminiem kas vakar dariija ko shausmiigu ar siipoliem (es skatiijos filmu un raudaaju, un ne jau filmas deel ...).

mums aaraa turpina liit un zibenot un ir 17 graadi.

tagad turpinaashu ar "River Queen".

apm 2,5 h vaariiju taapat uudenii kopaa ar ribaam un tad saaku beert klaat cukuru jo likaas ka par daudz skaabs.
paraleeli uztaisiiju kartupelu biezeni ar gruubaam. nolobiiju galu no kauliem saliku atpakal katlaa un izvaariiju visu uudeni, pieliku teejkaroti sviesta un maliet apbruuninaju.

Garastāvoklis:: nu taads
(ir doma)

17. Okt 2009

01:35 - it isn't ever delicate to live.


From other
angles the
fibers look
fragile, but
not from the
spider’s, always
hauling coarse
ropes, hitching
lines to the
best posts
possible. It’s
heavy work
fighting sag,
winching up
give. It
isn’t ever
to live.

-- Kay Ryan

(ir doma)

15. Okt 2009

23:36 - atradumi oktobri

shodienas atradums Susan Stewart un dziivaa dzeja ieksh Times Center .... mmm
shnedeela razena otrdien biju uz Hamletu ar Jude Law
un riit jazz

un skolaa ar creative writing arii or OK ... un shodien (iisteniibaa shonedeel) pat lunch duty nav tik traki vairs ... (riit gan arii sola lietu un tas noziimee veel vienu book lunch .... bet who cares taa tapat buus pizza Friday)

(ir doma)

30. Sep 2009

16:39 - Vincere

New Yrok Film Festival ietvaros noskatiijos Vincere.
pieziimes -
par atteela noziimi
par itaalu valodu
par gimeni
par politisko piederiibu
par sievietes lomu
par apseestiibu
par meliem
par taisniibu
par veesturi (un taas veidoshanu)
par miilestiibu
par Mussolini liidziibu ar Sponge Bob ;)

(ir doma)

25. Jun 2009


Judith G. Garber, Nominee for Ambassador to the Republic of Latvia
Judith Garber currently serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs at the Department of State. A career Foreign Service Officer, she joined the Foreign Service in 1984. Her previous diplomatic assignments include Economic Counselor in Madrid, Spain, Deputy Economic Counselor in Tel Aviv, Israel, Economic Officer in Prague, Czech Republic, Economic Officer in Mexico City, Mexico, and Vice Consul in Seville, Spain. Ms. Garber's Washington assignments include Director for North Central Europe in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Director for Overseas Development Finance in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, and the Department's Executive Secretariat staff. Ms. Garber holds a Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University.

graads - tikai bakalaura ...

(ir doma)

20. Maijs 2009

15:18 - kluuda

shoreiz bija mana reize ...did not double check ... un sajutos pavisam caabiigi, jo neskatoties uz to ka esam vienliidz atbildiigas es te buushu arii naakamo gad, bet vinja ne liidz ar to pashai liekas, ka man ir lielaaka shkrobe.

un arii par dabaszinaatnju testu ... man pats tests shkita viegls, taapeec par atbildi, kuraa aiz stuura iespeejams var samekleet pareizo ideju ieskaitiiju kaa nepareizu (jo jaaprot tachu astotajaa klasee izteikties daudzmaz sakariigi), bet mana dabasziniibu koleega tagad grib visus darbus paarlabot (es pa lielam piekriitu, jo gan skoleenam, gan skolai labaak, bet man oms pagrabaa ...)
vispaardomaaju un to arii ieteicu, ka naakamgad dabasziniibu skolotaaji lai arii labo dabaszinaatnes (ko mani valodnieku tur liek ne pa teemu)

p.s. un nezinu vai gribu iet uz romanian literary readings .... es tak joprojaam diez ko daudz nesaprotu ... un besiitis ... bija jaaiet likt tiesiibaam rakstu dala, bet aizmirsu paasi maajaas, nu tad riit ....

Garastāvoklis:: velk uz pinkski
Mūzika: klaigas no beernu laukuma
(ir doma)

19. Maijs 2009

08:16 - Laimes laacis Lahore,Pakistaanaa

Shodienas NY Times liels raksts kaa Pakistaanas jaunieshiem apnics ka visi tikai saka kaadam kaut kas jaadara, bet neviens neko nedara. Tad nu prestizhu privaatskolu/ augstskolu (jo dazhiem jau 21) sveetdienas peecpusdienaa keeraas pie laapstaam un maisiem un saaka tiiriit savu pilseetu. Nice.

Garastāvoklis:: labs
Mūzika: mashiinas
(ir doma)

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