- 5/20/04 01:07 pm
- iekš ./ ir polls, kurā lūdz tā lasītājus novērtēt kura no haxoru filmām ir bijusi pati nebaudāmākā.
Pāris izvilkumi no komentāriem par filmām, kuri bija iepostēti komentāros
IMO the absolute worst example of technology portrayed in a movie would have to be Jurassic Park. When that 12-year old girl sat down in front of an Apple computer and looked at a VMRL (3D) "interface" of the network and said "I recognize this. This is a UNIX system!", I nearly blew my popcorn right out of my pants.
I especially liked the concept of a visual backdoor . I mean come on, a little icon down in the corner of a rendered HTML file that just links to another page where you have "access" to the system? It's been so long since I've seen it, so that's about all I remember, but I remember it being asinine beyond belief.
The account is encrypted with a 1024bit cipher. Even I can't break through the firewall.
Bad guy boss: This thing is encrypted, can you get in? Bad guy hacker: It has 2 Megabytes of RAM, I have 512 Megabytes, it will take 5 seconds.
I always thought the aliens used Windows, seeing how easy it was for them to get hacked. They must not have applied the "Outlook causes shields to go down" patch.
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