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Radio on | Christopher Petit [Nov. 20th, 2008|08:09 pm]
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Julien donkey-boy | Harmony Korine [Nov. 15th, 2008|12:26 pm]
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Romance & Cigarettes | John Turturro [Nov. 13th, 2008|04:43 pm]
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Mikey and Nicky | Elaine May [Nov. 5th, 2008|09:20 am]
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Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai | Mitsuru Meike [Oct. 26th, 2008|04:10 pm]
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Long Island Expressway | Michael Cuesta [Oct. 25th, 2008|05:50 am]
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Amateur | Hal Hartley [Oct. 15th, 2008|02:34 pm]
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Maidstone | Norman Mailer [Oct. 8th, 2008|04:06 pm]
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Ship of Fools | Stanley Kramer [Sep. 26th, 2008|06:08 pm]
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Hunger | Henning Carlsen [Sep. 26th, 2008|05:59 pm]
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Sonatine | Takeshi Kitano [Sep. 16th, 2008|06:06 pm]
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Boiling Point | Takeshi Kitano [Sep. 16th, 2008|06:06 pm]
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Miami Blues | George Armitage [Sep. 15th, 2008|04:38 pm]
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The Cement garden | Andrew Birkin [Sep. 5th, 2008|03:24 pm]
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Dans ma peau | Marina de Van [Sep. 4th, 2008|05:24 am]
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Xich lo | Anh Hung Tran [Sep. 3rd, 2008|04:38 am]
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