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Jun. 12th, 2006 | 08:08 am
mood: great!
music: left hand luke and the beggar boys

so this will be my blog for my present freinds and for further newcomers:)
just welcome:)
i'll not change my mood to nice pics, lyrics get posted in my journal:D sorry, guys.
and this place will be practice for me in german and english. need to make better these skills! coz next whole year largest part of my life will be 'translated' in english:) and in my will in german too. coz i didn't expected that at the moment i'll have so many german friends.huh:) so if somewhere i have some kind of mistakes- correct them. but please dont accuse me, coz grammar is smth similar like sucide for me:/ heh:)
but i'll do everything as good as i can:)
cheers brothers and sisters!!!

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