I had a dream last night. I don't remember the beginning. I was in a shelter of defective children. The place looked much like the music hall in my kindergarten. I don't really know if I was one of the kids or a teacher. We were playing and having fun when the door opened and some 5-8 other kids were brought in. We were told that these are mentally normal but abandoned and they are going to live with us. Every one of us took one of the newcomers, we joined our hands and turned round and round. And then I found myself in a building site where there were lots of undone buildings. There were no windows and the empty holes were covered by sheets of wallpaper. I was walking past some construction workers in blue checked shirts and red plastic helmets. I heard them talking that the state is gathering defective children to make glass for windows out of them. My first thought was about Jews and holocaust and making glue out of their bones. I was wandering how it is possible to make glass out of children. Then I realized that was why the new normal kids were brought to the shelter. I asked one of the builders and he said yes, that's exactly what we are there for.
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