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kiceksusurs no murrdōras

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pietura Sep. 19th, 2013|08:38 am

Skaisti uzrakstīts par man tuvo tēmu.
So maybe this isn't what you want to hear right now, but keep in mind that he's not unhappy anymore. The usual "just hold on and wait and things will get better!" line that everyone spouts is heartless, selfish bullshit and it's said by people who either don't know any better or who don't want to deal with the fact that someone is profoundly miserable. Well meaning or not, it's rarely true, and while things sometimes do get better for some people, a guarantee is a lie.

My point is this: Your friend was extremely unhappy to the point where he was able to overcome his fear of death. That suffering is over. It's not something to celebrate exactly, but it is something to take comfort in.

The other thing is that people who plan to die ahead of time will usually plan their last day pretty carefully. The fact that he spent his last bit of time on earth playing TF2 with you means that you were probably one of the biggest bright spots in his life. There's a good chance you delayed his death and made the time he spent here a little more bearable. Again, it won't help with your feelings of loss, but I hope you can appreciate how much of a difference it made to him.

Unfortunately, you can't really save anyone. Much as we'd like to, peoples' lives are too complicated to do that. We can't possibly provide everything that they need. What we can do is be a positive influence in their lives and make their time here more pleasant. You did that and it's all anyone can do. If more people had done that for your friend, he may have been happier.
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