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Jan. 23rd, 2013|05:39 pm

Manuprāt labākais dubstep mix ever. Pareizs, tumšs, nedaudz dusmīgs dubsteps. Bez klauniem un wonky cirka.
No internetiem pazudis, tapēc uploadēju.
Tapis kautkad 2008/2009 gadā, precīzi neatceros kad uzpeldēja tīklos.

Peres One - sta visions (mp3, failiem.lv)

Tracklist :
1. Studio Secrets - Whenever You're Ready
2. Distance - Night Vision
3. Tyrant & Sloppy Jackson - Fear & Control
4. Rob Sparx - Trooper
5. MRK1 - Slope (edited)
6. Cohort - Widower (edited)
7. Sully - Wicked Webs
8. OSC - Zion
9. Stenchman - Distress Signal
10. Ka vs. enei - Opium
11. TRG - Killed It Dead (EmalKay remix)
12. Reso - Onslaught
13. Janner - Electricity
14. Twisted - Prophecy
15. TRG - Horny (Reso Remix)
16. Rob Sparx - Trooper (Bar 9 remix)
17. Bar 9 - Pull Up
18. King Cannibal - Badman Near Dark (Komonazmuk remix)
19. Peres One - Fridgefeeza
20. K-Stello - Autumn Wobblez
21. 6blocc - Gun Control
22. Caustik - Invisible Pain
23. Nero - This Way
24. Darkham - Age of War
25. Nero - Something Else
26. 6blocc - Wave tha Gunz
27. Don Goliath - Mrs. U
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