¤ vΔp∅ur †rΔil ¤ - August 15th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
kiceksusurs no murrdōras

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August 15th, 2012

SciFi at your doorstep(or RJ45 port) [Aug. 15th, 2012|04:46 pm]
[Current Music |Drumcorps - Pig Destroyer Destroyer]

Neal Stephenson’s “The Diamond Age” was set some years after encrypted currencies and e-commerce removed most economic transactions into darknets beyond the government’s capability of monitoring and regulating, and thus caused tax bases around the world to implode. This was followed, in short order, by the collapse of most nation-states. In the ensuing Interregnum, the defunct nation-states were replaced by city-states and by networked global civil societies called “phyles.” The major phyles leased enclaves in most major city-states around the world, much as the Venetian merchant guilds leased “Venetian quarters” in the major port cities of the Mediterranean.

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